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Hello members of GIS AREA ! Drones, also named UAV's or UAS's, are becoming increasingly popular for different applications. Me, I am interested in the field on drones applications for remote sensing, more exactly for aerial mapping, to produce orthophotos, Digital Terrain Models (DEM) and other products which are very useful for research or private businesses. I would like to know more about how to build a personal drone from 0, how to selected the best platform for the application of aerial mapping, how to fly the drone and how to process the datasets obtained from drones. I know that, on this forum, there are some people who are using drones and it would be great to share some knowledge, some practical information to others interested in UAV drones. Let's see what can we do. Is someone interested to participate to this ? My best regards, Arhanghelul
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- aerial mapping
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Hi all, i just wanna share information about Photogrametry Technology Imagine being able to achieve highly accurate mapping, whenever and wherever needed, even in less than favourable weather conditions (wind, light rain, cloud cover) where conventional photogrammetry may not be possible, while keeping both feet safely on the ground. All this is now available at a reasonable price. The X100 is the result of a thorough and multidisciplinary engineering process. It has been designed with two main goals in mind and with due consideration for the demanding field worker. It carries a camera payload, flies in a straight and regular scan pattern and returns to the operator in a safe and shock-free manner. It completes the job under a wide range of weather and environmental conditions. It allows for day-to-day handling and intensive use, just like any other surveying device. We conceived the X100 not merely as an unmanned aircraft, but as a comprehensive tool! Through its optimized and unparalleled aerodynamic design, cleverly engineered body structure and carefully chosen materials, the X100 meets all the requirements perfectly The X100 is aimed at users needing extremely accurate and fast results. The point cloud density and accuracy that can be obtained is comparable to LiDAR results with a planimetric accuracy (XY plane) of 5 cm and a height accuracy (Z axis) of 10 cm at default altitude. Our software also supports the import of Ground Control Points (GCPs) which results in highly accurate georeferencing. website :
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Nowadays, amateur drones have an amazing range of applications. You may wonder: “Can I use my drone for photogrammetry?” and the answer is “Yes”. In this tutorial, you will create a georeferenced and measurable 3D model, using YouTube video captured by DJI Inspire 1 using Agisoft PhotoScan and view it with Sputnik GIS Source video (4k / 2160p): 3D Model created using Agisoft PhotoScan: If you're interested, you can read a tutorial. Sputnik GIS also used to measure distances and heights, calculate cut and fill volumes of piles and quarries and volume differences between digital elevation models obtained at different time, generate cross-sections (profiles) of DEMs and export them to DXF.
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Apa itu GIS ? Bisa disimpulkan GIS (Geographic Information System) atau bila diterjemahkan menjadi SIG ( Sistem Informasi Geografis) adalah pengolahan data geografis atau keruangan yang bisa dikelola lebih lanjut agar menjadi informasi data yang dibutuhkan. GIS mengintegrasikan operasi pengolahan data berbasis database, seperti pengambilan data berdasarkan kebutuhan serta analisis statistik dengan menggunakan visualisasi melalui analisis geografis. Sejarah Perkembangan Pengaplikasian GIS sudah dimulai sejak zaman prasejarah, Gua Lascaux di Perancis pada 35.000 tahun yang lalu terdapat gambar hasil para pemburu Cro-Magnon berupa hewan mangsa mereka, dan juga garis yang dipercaya sebagai rute migrasi hewan-hewan tersebut. Catatan ini sesuai dengan dua elemen struktur pada GIS modern sekarang ini, arsip grafis yang terhubung ke database atribut. Teknik survey modern untuk pemetaan topografis dimulai pada tahun 1700-an. Pengaplikasiannya untuk versi awal pemetaan tematis, seperti keilmuan atau data sensus. Tahun 1967 merupakan awal pengembangan GIS. Roger Tomlison menggunakan sistem ini di Ottawa, Ontario oleh Departemen Energi, Pertambangan dan Sumber Daya untuk menyimpan, menganalisa dan mengolah data untuk Inventarisasi Tanah Kanada (CLI – Canadian land Inventory). Selanjutnya perkembangan sangat pesat pada tahun 1980-an sejalan dengan berkembangnya perangkat komputer, baik perangkat lunak maupun perangkat keras seperti pemakaian GIS pada workstation UNIX dan komputer pribadi. Indonesia mulai mengadopsi sistem ini ketika Pelita ke-2. Saat itu LIPI mengundang UNESCO dalam menyusun “Kebijakan dan Program Pembangunan Lima Tahun Tahap Kedua (1974-1979)“ dalam pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan riset. Pengelolaan GIS Dalam geografi, informasi yang diperlukan harus memiliki ciri-ciri yang dimiliki ilmu lain (Prahasta, 2002),yaitu: · Knowledge, atau pengetahuan hasil pengalaman yang tersusun secara sistematis. · Logis, atau masuk akal dan menunjukkan sebab akibat. · Objektif, artinya berlaku umum dan mempunyai sasaran yang jelas dan teruji. Komponen GIS Secara umum GIS bekerja berdasarkan integrase 5 komponen, yaitu: Perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, manusia, data, dan metode. 1. Perangkat Keras (Hardware) Perangkat keras GIS membutuhkan spesifikasi lebih tinggi dari sistem informasi lainnya untuk mendukung analisis geografi dan pemetaan seperti menyajikan citra dengan resolusi dan kecepatan tinggi dan mendukung operasi – operasi basis data dengan volume besar secara efektif. 2. Perangkat Lunak (Software) Perangkat lunak GIS merupakan sekumpulan program aplikasi yang dapat melakukan proses menyimpan, menganalisa, dan memvisualkan data – data. Perangkat lunak tersebut harus mampu mekakukan berbagai macam pengolahan data, penyimpanan, editing, layout, hingga analisis keruangan. 3. Manusia Manusia merupakan inti dari komponen GIS karena manusia yang mengelola sistem, membangun perencanaan, dan penerima manfaat. Pengguna dari GIS memiliki tingkatan seperti sistem informasi lainnya, dari tingkat spesialis teknis yang mendesain dan mengelola sistem sampai pada pengguna yang menggunakan GIS untuk membantu pekerjaannya sehari – hari. 4. Data Data yang dimaksud adalah sebuah data yang berorientasi geografis, memiliki sistem koordinat tertentu sebagai dasar referensi dan mempunyai dua bagian penting yang membuatnya berbeda dari data lainnya, yaitu informasi lokasi (spasial) dan informasi deskriptif (atribut). 5. Metode Metode yang digunakan pada GIS akan berbeda untuk setiap permasalahan. GIS yang baik tergantung pada aspek desain dan aspek realnya. Proses GIS Secara garis besar, GIS terdiri dari 4 tahapan utama, yaitu: 1. Tahap Input Data Tahap input data digunakan untuk menginputkan data spasial dan data atribut. Tahap input data ini juga meliputi proses perencanaan, penentuan tujuan, pengumpulan data, serta memasukkannya kedalam komputer. 2. Tahap Manajemen dan Pengolahan Data Setelah data dimasukkan maka proses selanjutnya adalah pengolahan data. Pengolahan data meliputi penggunaan DBMS untuk menyimpan data, klasifikasi data, kompilasi, dan geoprocessing (clip, merge, dissolve). 3. Tahap Query dan Analisis Data Pada tahapan ini dilakukan berbagai macam analisa keruangan, seperti analisis proximity dan analisis overlay. 4. Tahap Output dan Visualisasi Tahap ini merupakan fase akhir, dimana ini akan berkaitan dengan penyajian hasil analisa yang telah dilakukan. Untuk beberapa tipe penyajian, hasil akhir terbaik diwujudkan dalam peta atau grafik. Untuk lebih memahami tentang GIS, bisa melihat video dari Esri dibawah ini Manfaat GIS di Berbagai Bidang “GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize our world in ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts.” ESRI 1. Kebencanaan Salah satu contoh hasil GIS di bidang kebencanaan.. Sumber Bidang kebencanaan paling umum adalah untuk memetakan kawasan rawan atau beresiko bencana, peta jalur evakuasi, peta rencana kontingensi, dll. 2. Kesehatan Peta sistem kesehatan. Sumber Bidang kesehatan menggunakan GIS dalam membantu efektifitas pengambilan kebijakan dalam meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan seperti memetakan pusat pelayanan kesehatan, kepadatan penduduk, dll. 3. Perancanaan Bangunan Perencanaan pembangunan kawasan. Sumber Pada bidang ini umumnya untuk membuat peta kondisi eksisting, peta kesesuaian lahan baik untuk pertanian, penempatan fasilitas tertentu, industri, ataupun perencanaan jaringan jalan. 4. Bisnis Dalam bidang bisnis GIS membantu dalam beberapa hal seperti: · Asuransi GIS dapat menyediakan dukungan kepada pelanggan yang lebih baik, analisis resiko yang tepat, dan mengefisienkan proses klaim asuransi. · Retail Menemukan lokasi terbaik untuk lokasi retail tersebut. · Manufaktur Membuat jalur suplai yang efektif melalui analisis lokasi. · Real Estate Membuat dan menjaga penghuni kediaman tersebut dengan mengerti kebutuhan pasar. · Bank Mengerti pelanggan dengan memberikan produk dan jasa yang mereka butuhkan. 5. Pertahanan GIS bermain penting dalam bidang ini. Contoh penggunaannya seperti perencanaan perang dan manajemen fasilitas perang. 6. Pendidikan Disaster Management. Sumber Pada bidang ini GIS dapat memberikan maanfaat seperti memberikan data bagi peneliti untuk mengevalusi data dari banyak sumber untuk membuat teori dan baru. "Using GIS as a decision-making tool is a smart way of gathering all the things you already know and placing them in a single spot so you can see the entire picture." Tom McCaffrey, Koordinator GIS, University of Calgary 7. Pemerintahan Penggunaan GIS oleh pemerintah dapat meningkatkan efisiensi, meningkatkan koordinasi dan menunjukkan transparansi serta akuntabilitas. GIS juga dapat memberikan pemahaman lebih baik bagi masyarakat karena lebih bersifat interaktif. 8. Transportasi GIS dapat membantu manajemen perencanaan, evaluasi dan merawat sistem transportasi lebih baik. Penggunaannya juga bisa diaplikasikan pada pembuatan fasilitas umum seperti jalan, transportasi publik, bandara, pelabuhan dan jalur kereta api. Sumber:
- Indonesia
- Sistem Informasi Geografis
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Hi All, I am a Doctorate in Remote Sensing and GIS. I have created an online tutorial Geospatial Technologies primarily concentrating on practical aspects both for beginners and for advanced learners. I am sure this will be useful for the members. Please have a look at the following link. Tutorials are totally free of cost and created just out of passion to help students and professionals in the field of Geospatial Technologies.
I am attempting to downscale a plethora of temperatures points over a high resolution DEM, and have hit several roadblocks. On further research, I have found a method in which to execute this task, but am stuck on how to execute within ArcMap. The weighted linear function I plan to use is as follows `y=Bx+C` Where y=predicted temperature, B and C are coefficients, and x is the DEM layer. There are also several complex weighted functions that determine the influence of the station on the regression model as the specific DEM cell gains altitude away from the station and proximity away from the coastline. I've also attached the thesis in which this mirrors, which goes more in depth on the equations in question. Any help would be great, thank you! Eric
Hello everyone, On behalf of the iEMSs Workshop A3 organisation team, I would like to bring your attention to the Workshop named "Long –Term Analysis of Socio-Ecosystems Under Climate Change: New Avenues for Integrated Modelling of Adaptation Processes". This workshop will take place at the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software - iEMSs 2016 - in Toulouse, France, on July 10-14, 2016. Under the organisation of Prof. Carlo Giupponi and Dr. Paola Mercogliano, this workshop will focus on modelling and techniques (Remote Sensing - RS and Geographical Information Systems - GIS) for monitoring and assessing the interactions between exogenous drivers (climate change in particular) and the evolution of socio-ecosystems. A specific interest is for land cover/use change as a manifestation of the effects of climatic changes and their inter-linkages with ecosystems and human activities. The main aim of the workshop is exploring methodological avenues and technological solutions to go beyond state-of-the-art to analyse the vulnerability of socio-ecosystems to global change over the long term. The workshop aims at covering topics ranging from climatic modelling to natural disaster mapping, Remote Sensing for land cover and land use change analysis, and economic modelling of impacts. The workshop will contribute to develop new ideas about which opportunities are there for innovative approaches and how they could be integrated in studies like for example climate change adaptation analysis and strategy development. More information can be found at: We are looking forward to seeing you in France! -- Arthur Hrast Essenfelder PhD Candidate in Science and Management of Climate Change Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Department of Economics Fondamenta San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873, 30123 Venezia e-mail: [email protected]
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Hello friends, I think geospatial software (commercial and free), user cases, and problem solving issues related to people who uses mac as operative system, would worth having. I will list only a few of them (the ones I use or am interested in) to show that out there it might be a potential pool of users interested of what gisarea has to offer: tutorials, software, and solutions based on users' knowledge and experiences. Here is the gis/remote sensing list of software available for mac: qgis saga spatialite grass gis otb/monteverdi2 envi/idl tntmips postgresql/postgis cartographica Usually, installation and troubleshooting of software on mac is quite different than windows, so having a topic forum dedicated to all things mac will help a lot of users. Also, for people that use ArcGIS virtualized on mac (as I do) would be great to have a place to go. Please fell free to share your thoughts! Cheers, GSQ
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Hi, guys. Guess what? Deadpool is here to be a superemotesensed hero. Okay, now, serious. My question may make you feel like want to stab me but I am now being serious. I am a remote sensing student, and now I am in my last year of my study. I wonder is there any remote sensing job for fresh graduates? Because everywhere I found almost nothing but GIS jobs. I like non photographic remote sensing so much, it is my passion. Anyway is there any chances in your countries to give a stranger foreigner fresh graduate a job? I am just wondering, because we are lowly paid in my country. Thank you. I will give you some Colossus' smile after you answer my questions.
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- Remote Sensing
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Hi, I am creating cycling route maps for a Business Park in the UK. I have access to Digimap data. I want to know what is the best file type to present my routes on for easiest visibility and under standing. I.e. OS Open Map? Meridian 2 tiles? The maps are very local scale with a 4 mile distance between points so I would like to use a very small scale and have all roads easily interpreted on an A4 map.
Applications of GIS in Civil Engineering Civil engineering is about developing and sustaining infrastructure. As a result civil engineers work with a voluminous amount of data from a variety of sources.A tool that has proliferated within civil engineering in recent years is Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS technology provides tools for creating, managing, analyzing and visualizing the data associated with developing and managing infrastructure. This technology provides a wide range of civil engineering applications because of its potential to provide a new environment for problem solving which could lower cost, improve quality and support multi discipline analysis for complex projects. Some of these applications are: · Infrastructure Life Cycle Management · Transportation Projects · Urban Development · Target Site Selection · Landfill Site Selection · Mineral Mapping · Critical Infrastructure Protection · Route Analysis · Watershed and Drainage Analysis · Project Asset Management GIS plays a vital role and serves as a complete platform in every phase of infrastructure life cycle. Each and every phase of infrastructure life-cycle is greatly affected and enhanced by the enrollment of GIS as explained below. Planning:It contains high-level planning functions for site location including environmental impact mitigation, economic analysis, regulatory permitting, alternative siting analysis, routing utilities, what-if scenarios, visualization of concept options, data overlay, modeling, and benefit/cost alternatives analysis. Data Collection: It has specific functions to collect precise site data used for predesign analysis; design; and calculations including field survey, topography, soils, subsurface geology, traffic, LIDAR, photogrammetry, imaging, sensitive environmental areas, wetlands, hydrology, and other sitespecific design-grade data. Analysis: Analysis is one of the major and most influential phases of infrastructure life cycle. Analysis guides us about the validity or correctness of design or we can say that analysis is a method which supports our design. Some of the analysis that can be performed by GIS are: · Water distribution analysis · Traffic management analysis · Soil analysis · Site feasibility analysis · Environment impact analysis · Volume or Area analysis of catchment · River or canals pattern analysis · Temperature and humidity analysis Construction: It is the stage when all layout plans and paper work design come into existence in the real world. The GIS helps the professionals to understand the site conditions that affect the schedule baseline and cost baseline. To keep the construction within budget and schedule GIS guides us about how to utilize our resources on site efficiency by: · Timely usage of construction equipment. · Working Hours · Effects of seasonal fluctuations. · Optimizing routes for dumpers and concrete trucks · Earth filling and cutting · Calculation of volumes and areas of constructed phase thereby helping in Estimation and Valuation. Operations/Maintenance: It models utility and infrastructure networks and integrates other related types of data such as raster images and CAD drawings. Spatial selection and display tools allow you to visualize scheduled work, ongoing activities, recurring maintenance problems, and historical information. The topological characteristics of a GIS database can support network tracing and can be used to analyze specific properties or services that may be impacted by such events as stoppages, main breaks, and drainage defects. GIS can help to make a record of work that has been completed and can give us visualization in the form of thematic maps which will guide us about rate of operations, completed operations and pending operations. In short we can say that GIS will prove to be the foundation of next generation civil engineering.
Civil Engineering Journal is a multidisciplinary, an open-access, internationally double-blind peer -reviewed journal concerned with all aspects of civil engineering, which include but are not necessarily restricted to: Building Materials and Structures, Coastal and Harbor Engineering, Constructions Technology, Constructions Management, Road and Bridge Engineering, Renovation of Buildings, Earthquake Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Highway Engineering, Hydraulic and Hydraulic Structures, Structural Engineering, Surveying and Geo-Spatial Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Tunnel Engineering, Urban Engineering and Economy, Water Resources Engineering, Urban Drainage. We would like to invite you to submit your original work for consideration and possible publication in our research based scientific journal. Civil Engineering Journal (C.E.J) is a multidisciplinary, an open-access, internationally double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is publishing 12 issues per volume (monthly). Civil Engineering Journal providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research articles, review articles and technical note. Civil Engineering Journal (C.E.J) have fast peer review process (3-4 weeks). Civil Engineering Journal (C.E.J) article processing charge (APC) is free now. Civil Engineering Journal (C.E.J) is published monthly.
HI my names is Djo and nowdays I'm interested to continue my Master Degree and find out a little bit confused about which college I want to go in I'm interested to learn about: 1. Making GIS as startup 2. Big Data analytic 3. Mobile and Web based GIS 4. Location Analytic and Spatial Analytic 5. Business Intellegence 6. GIS as Decision Support System and Modelling 7. and also GIS application for Urban, Property, Retail, and marketing I've searched with Google and find similar course that some college like this do not mean to promote I need second opinion, Does anyone want to share about information related with Master degree that I'm looking for I would gladly to hear from you
- Remote Sensing
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The emergence of volunteered geographic information (VGI) or user-generated geographic information has drawn significant attention from scholars investigating the ways in which VGI is produced, created and used. Many of these studies have been situated in the city. This issue calls for papers that engage with discussions on a broad theme of "VGI and the city". Papers are invited to address any of the following topics (but not limited to): - new spatial media and urban experiences; - new ways of visualizing urban spaces; - VGI and urban governance; - VGI and participatory planning; - citizen mapping in the city; - crowd-sourced urban data; - VGI and urban infrastructure. Case studies in the Global South and comparative perspectives on VGI constructions in different urban contexts are encouraged. Deadline for Abstracts: 1 December 2015 Deadline for Full Papers: 1 March 2016 Issue Release: June 2016 Editors: Andrew Hudson-Smith (University College London, UK), Choon-Piew Pow (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Jin-Kyu Jung (University of Washington, USA) and Wen Lin (Newcastle University, UK) Information: The emergence of volunteered geographic information (VGI) or user-generated geographic information has drawn significant attention from scholars investigating the ways in which VGI is produced, created and used. Many of these studies have been situated in the city. This issue calls for papers that engage with discussions on a broad theme of "VGI and the city".
hi myself Raj. I would like to start knowledge sharing on GEOEXTJS- web mapping
Using Terrascan, is it possible to run a macro to class flightline overlap points accurately. After a macro has already been run on the lidar data to create the ground class and has been manually edited into ground, unclassed, as well as high and low points. Without needing to manually edit the ground class again. This is my first project on the processing end of lidar (macros/terrascan) and forgot to run a macro for overlap prior to running the groundclass macro. I also do have a trajectory file for the data set.
The first user-friendly and professional application for windows phone devices that performs advanced Gps calculations and mapping. Intended for surveying engineers, civil engineers, architects as well as those involved in real estate. Description of software features: Computation of coordinates of surveying points and subsequent mapping of the points on the map. Ability to store point data files on phone and Onedrive. Exporting final results of calculations in Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) which is compatible with the most popular design software or a simple text file of point details such as coordinates. The resulting mapping can be used for all surveying/topographical needs including amateur viewing of prospective real estate endeavors. Intuitive user interface, taking full advantage of the windows phone touch-screen capabilities, allowing the smooth use of the application in an outdoors environment. Mapping allows you the following views: * road/ aerial/ hybrid/ terrain Supported Coordinate Systems: • Universal Traverse Mercator (UTM) • British Grid (OSGB36) • Greek Grid 1987 (HGRS87 / ΕΓΣΑ 1987)
Open and edit ESRI shapefiles .shp and .dbf attributes in BabaCAD using this powerful GIS extension for BabaCAD. Use TableView with excel-like filter and ZoomTo/Highlight features to quickly navigate through spahes in workspace. Easy to use, save shapes to dxf files. Arrange features using layers. Download free at
Hi, Oracle Spatial AddOn Lite for BabaCAD freeware CAD is released and available for download. All members of this forum can also get Pro version (full Oracle Spatial editor in BabaCAD) for free (starting now to March-2015). Member who wants to get Pro version has to reply to this thread and post one screenshot image of BabaCAD running Spatial AddOn with a part of his spatial data and min. one attribute data (attribute data is any non-SDO_GEOMETRY column in Oracle spatial table and must be visible in "Extension Data" of BabaCAD Properties Window). Example of screenshot can be seen at official site. BabaCAD is windows (all versions) desktop application and it's first true free CAD software with DXF/DWG support, LISP, API programming (no registration, no nags, no spams....). BabaCAD has some GIS features also. Users can insert geo-referenced TIFF/TFW, JPG, BMP raster images. Split parcels to equal parts (AREASPLIT command). BabaCAD with Oracle Spatial AddOn Lite is free Oracle Spatial viewer, and Pro version is Oracle Spatial Editor (available for purchase from authorized dealers only, starting Feb-2015). Users can edit geometries and attribute data in precise CAD environment. What's most interesting about this software? BabaCAD is free, no registration required, 3Mb size, fast (startup time < 1s). Oracle Spatial AddOn Lite is free, 0.5 Mb size, faster than any commercial Oracle Spatial enabled GIS software.
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Hello, I am working on a project that requires that I automatically generate polygons to approximate the boundaries of some districts because our country does not have these informartions. The idea I had was to generate these boundaries from the distances of the point groups belonging to each polygon. I attach the diagram below in order to illustrate my ask. I only have the coordinates of the points Ai to Gi. All Ai points belong to the polygon A, all points Bi to the polygon B, etc. I do not have any data space allowing me to create polygons A to B. I can be content with a realistic approximation, however. The idea then is to get the boundaries between these polygons, knowing only the coordinates of the points Ai - Gi and knowing that each point Ai belongs to the set A, and so on. I have no idea how to proceed. Maybe this has already been processed. Would it be possible, please, to give me guidance on how or where to find a similar job if he had be done. Thanking you a lot in advance. Best regards
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If you or anyone you know might be interested in this job, please contact Larry Nguyen at @408.430.3066 or [email protected]. We offer health insurance and 401k benefits. I do offer referral bonus!!! Contract term: 12months Pay rate:Negiotable Location: Silicon Valley, CA In your role you will: Be responsible for content analysis, validation, cleansing, collection and reporting. Analyze and validate data content and assemble new content from various sources, including databases, files/spreadsheets, and websites. Respond to data inquiries from various groups within an organization. Create and publish regularly scheduled and/or ad hoc reports as needed. Education and Experience: BS/BA or MS/MA in Geography, GIS, Architecture, Urban Planning, Interior Design or Engineering Experience with CAD/BIM applications with an emphasis on AutoCAD Experience with Unix/Linux and Mac operating systems Background and related coursework in Urban Planning, Architecture, Geography or GIS Database experience with SQL , scripting experience with Python Experience working with large public/commercial datasets Internet research skills and experience Imagery post processing Foreign language fluency/local knowledge of a specific region or country Good report writing and communication skills
Hello, I worked for years to create a navigation map full of POIs... Is my file safe as .nm3 File? OR there is a way to edit it.+ If yes how can I make my file more secure. Thanks.
Hi all, I've got a bug in my ArcMap ArcEditor10.2.2 There's a pop-up dialog that is labeled CNPrj9 and says "Int_clip enabled - Object variable or With Block variable not set" it gives me the option to click OK, I do, and it pops back up again. and again. Eventually I have to manually force quite the program. Makes it impossible to edit or work with my map. I can open up a new blank map and add data and it doesn't seem to pop up. Any idea what's causing this and how to fix it? I can always just add all my data to a new map but would prefer to keep with the mxd I've been working on. Thanks!
Let's say that a business corporation that offers consultancy for renting and selling houses would like to implement a web-application that can help their customers to find houses based on geo-location requests. Let's say that me, as a customer I would like to rent an apartment. As a student and part-time worker, I would like to find a place that satisfy my necesities, based on some eliminatory points. And let's say that, other advantages than a minimum renting price, I would like to find a house that is in : 1) proximity to transportation (bus or subway) > finding a house as much as possible to a bus station or subway station, to have an easy acces to my university and job place; 2) proximity to markets and shops > finding a house near to markets and shops; 3) proximity to parks, green spaces and party places (clubs, bars, etc) > every student likes to party 4) proximity to other factors that can influence the renting price of a house (railaway stations, neighbourhood criminallity risks, etc, etc ) So, as a developper of a such type of geo-location web application, I would like to know what datasets to use (free acces), what softwares to use (open source) and what knowledge is need for making this application (programming, web design) ? So, as a beginner in this field, can someone tell me what are the skills and datasets nedeed to make a web-application for a renting/selling houses business ? How to start developping this application ? How long can it take to do it ? Any references, links, examples, advices and tutorials are welcomed ! Please help me!
Having accurate data to support operational, engineering and analytical processes is critical to achieve organizational excellence Accurate and a precise data is needed to provide support to your organizations operational, engineering and analytical processes inorder to achive an execellency mark. With the use of our product OnPoint by Rolta and our BI capability, we include the clients inour data services delivery center. Our services include:- Data Conversion & Migration, 3D Database Creation and Maintenance Photogrammetry. Find out more here:-