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About roycastanares

  • Birthday 07/27/1991

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  1. I am back to GIS Area after 6 months of schooling. Please let me access some sections as well. Thanks.
  2. I have tried to learn about a software before. It is eCognition. Hope you can learn it by yourself. Im sorry I had no methodology but I believe it is a powerful tool that can help you mate.
  3. Can someone give me an insight about PointFuse Or a review. I am looking for great tool for converting pointcloud data to vector. Thanks!
  4. Right now I was tasked in cleaning static GPS observation, e.g. cleaning noise and disabling some satellite observation. I'm doing well until I can't get fix on some of the baselines, Then I asked my one of my fellow what are the techniques in cleaning gps observation, they just told me that what they do is trial and error. Now, I want to ask, if there is another way, like some science in spotting weak satellite observation and cleaning data with precision. Thanks, hope someone who is expert in this field will be able to give me some hints on how to do this precisely. BTW.. I am using licensed Trimble Business Center
  5. Hello Grzechu435, I have an idea in mind, but may I know what is the area of the map you are digitizing
  6. For a more specific help. If you are using model builder. set your 500m buffer as the clip features and your vegetation as input features, and you'll have it. Hope this helps.
  7. Many thanks for the advice, Yes I also tried CAD feature extraction. @mark312. Will look forward on your suggestion. Thank you very much.
  8. Yes, here's a reference, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magellan's_Cross#mediaviewer/File:Cebu_magellans_cross_exterior.jpg We need to extract its dimension, like detailed engineering design, and to do so we need to make the surface first, from outside to inside. Maybe a tool that will let us build its inner and outer surface automatically will be of great help.
  9. @Lurker, The data I have now is in .pts .pod or .xyz extension. I've seen some software like meshlab, geomagic, etc. Can you recommend one that will suit in extracting parts of a building. Like extracting window/ walls and columns, thanks.
  10. Hello Everyone, I am now working on a project that requires me to extract surface from point cloud data gathered with FARO, can someone share insights on how to do this the easy way. Right now, what am I doing is digitize this point clouds through Bentley Microstation. It's tiresome, so can anyone share process or software I can use that automatically recognize features such as walls and support columns. Thanks in advance.
  11. This tool is awesome, and every kit fits with aerial photogrammetry. I definitely want this one.
  12. Hi, I think eCognition will be a great help to you with this kind of data. It is easy to learn and powerful tool in converting raster to vector.
  13. Hello Sir, I am recommending this powerful but cheap mobile gis application for android that is also available for iOs. Overview SuperSurv is the mobile GIS application specially designed for Android and iOS platform. Integrating with GIS and GPS technologies, SuperSurv allows you to easily collect and survey spatial data in the field with Android and iOS mobile devices. The main functions of SuperSurv include data collection, orientation, map display and waypoint guidance. With the built-in GPS functions, the data of point, line and polygon can all be captured quickly. In the meantime, the waypoint and track can be recorded and managed to well control your directions. Moreover, the application supports global coordinate system settings, so the files of different regions can be displayed correctly to increase the convenience of data sharing. Besides, the data of point, line and polygon that SuperSurv collects can be saved in SHP, GEO or KML formats for more advanced uses With SuperSurv, you can: Efficiently collect point, line, polygon data and support offline editing. Display map data with global coordinate system settings. Switch basemaps and connect to SuperGIS Server services. Create and manage waypoints with ease. Query and measure the map with GIS tools.
  14. Problem Solved! Found out that there are some parameters that I need to change the sign (+,-) I am not sure whether our Mapping Authority or the software developer is wrong. But everything works fine now. Hope this will also make sense in other transformation.
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