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    Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

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  1. Good evening, dear experts and GIS lovers. I hope local community can help me solve this. The problem is the following - it is necessary to build a polyline directly on DEM, not a projected line. The initial data below: start coordinates (X, Y, Z), azimuth 3D length (real, measured length) DEM of the study area Standard scheme (set point, CTRL + G, enter the azimuth and length) works only for 2D data and make only a projection on the surface, but projection of the line will always be different from the actual measured length . How can I build line by using measured (3D polyline) length? There is any tools or suggestions? Could I find tool in ArcMap, which let me use DEM like a reference surface and then use it for measurements? Thanks in advance!
  2. Captain, thank you very much! Looks it works well for me
  3. Guys I look for step by step tutorial which help to build optimal route with exact slope 10-15% (not more) for every 1000m. I hope it is an optimal parameters according to human phisiology The main idea is to visit the mounting ridge with reasonable spending physical abilities for it I have an Aster GDEM of my future trip, start and end point future. Please give me tips:) Thanks in advance!!
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