hi dnandz..
im just want to doing some research about this... I have etracted water depth from spot 5 image by using
y=mx+c whre m and c is constant and x=(band 1-band3)/band 1+ band 3) by considering band 1 and 3 is suitable to extract water depth.... Value salinty has been measure. that mean i have salinity value that measure from water sample on the ground...
i have i mathematc formulae for salinty that realated to the water depth..
s bot= s deep ( 1-exp((d^2/2.25)*1/2))
where s bot= bottom salinty
s deep= the maximum salinty in depest parts of the estuary
D= Depth....
Hope u can help me about this research...
Hello. im trying to interprate water depth from SPOT5 image by using the algorithm. From the data aquisition,i collect salinity data by using sampling method in order to test either salinity can improve depth accuracy or not. Anyone can help me about the algorithm??.. thank u