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  1. Hello, My background is in Simulation programming, and after a while in this industry I want to change. I have done a bit of GIS programming in my work, as visualisation is important in simulation I've written DEM importers and 3D visualisers, etc. I have even used ESRI ArcMap a few times many years ago but nothing recently. I've mainly used C# and C++, but have done not much web based. I have always enjoyed the geographic elements of programming which is why I want to get more into "GIS". I would like to also do field work. I resent being behind a computer so much and want to be outdoors more. A 50/50 split I think would be ideal. Over here in the UK I check out the jobsites but there is not too much GIS work about, especially not in my domain. I'm not sure where I would fit in but I expect I will have to move to another country. Given these desires (field work, GIS) what role might I fit into, how could I progress towards obtaining this role?
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