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  1. Hello, Good day and Marry Christmas to everyone. I try to process Hyperion EO-1 hyperspectral data with ENVI 5.2 and Hyperion tools 2.0 add-on from github and have easier with bad lines removing. After converting to ENVI format with and applying bad lines mask, I use Bad lines remove tool and specify column number and number of neighbor lines to aggregate (1). Nothing change after saving to new file (in ENVI and ENVI Classic). Also tried Spatial pixel editor in ENVI Classic for averaging “0” columns, columns averaged, but nothing change after “Save to file”, again “0” in column values. Could someone help with solving this problem? Thank you in advance.
  2. Hello to all. Have a problem with creting html popup with Carrymap in ArcGIS. Images appears too big for popup. Script for image insert: <% var tag = '<img src="'; tag += CF.Values["img"] + ".JPG"; tag += '">'; echo (tag); %> Could I change image size in pixels or percents in script?
  3. For supervised classification you must first create source objects for classification (chose samples from image buy digitazing them). So, you must digitaze samle polygong in ENVI by ROI or EVF (Envi vector file). I thing this link will be usefull for you: http://www.exelisvis.com/portals/0/pdfs/envi/Classification_Methods.pdf
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