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    Andre has been working in the Gis industry for the last 18 years. Experience in Gis applications like, ESRI, Bentley's Geo product and field to office solutions. Particularly interested in Gis projects and UAV / sUAS survey's. We used Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to fly at low altitudes to obtain high resolution aerial imagery for mapping and site surveys. This aerial images is then processed using high precision photogrammetry software to generate survey grade topographical site data, volumetric reports and mapping imagery. Aeroscan Aerial Survey, my company is a reseller for HawkEye UAV in Africa & Middle East. The RQ-84Z AREOHAWK is a PHOTOGRAMMETRY UAV. Design based on hundreds of flight hours of experience by HawkEye UAV New Zealand. Turn key solution ready for commercial use. Hawkeye training and procedures ensure there are no gaps in your data acquisition and photo overlap, regardless of weather conditions. Launch reliability. There's no need to buy, transport and maintain a catapult or launcher. Tough and robust. Made from lightweight and strong composites. Fly again tomorrow. Stable and optimised for imaging of large areas, get your project completed in one flight. High quality sensors with high quality lenses. Enjoy survey grade acquisition. Simulation technology to get you started, keep you current and prepare for tasks. Make mistakes on a simulator not on the UAV. Semi-Autonomous flying from take off to recovery. No Radio Control Skills required. Travel cases to keep the dust out and UAV secure. Daylight readable laptop in specialised Ground Control Resent aerial survey projects done with the HawkEye UAV system in New Zealand, South Africa, Botswana, United Arab Emirates. Our aerial data and services will be: Orthorectified Geo-Referenced High Resolution Cost Effective Safely Acquired Precise Volumetrics Digital Terrain Models GIS Solutions Gis for Utilities, Local government and Disaster management. +27824114127, [email protected]

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About Me

Andre has been working in the Gis industry for the last 18 years. Experience in Gis applications like, ESRI, Bentley's Geo product and field to office solutions. Particularly interested in Gis projects and UAV / sUAS survey's.

We used Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to fly at low altitudes to obtain high resolution aerial imagery for mapping and site surveys. This aerial images is then processed using high precision photogrammetry software to generate survey grade topographical site data, volumetric reports and mapping imagery.

Aeroscan Aerial Survey, my company is a reseller for HawkEye UAV in Africa & Middle East. The RQ-84Z AREOHAWK is a PHOTOGRAMMETRY UAV.

Design based on hundreds of flight hours of experience by HawkEye UAV New Zealand. Turn key solution ready for commercial use. Hawkeye training and procedures ensure there are no gaps in your data acquisition and photo overlap, regardless of weather conditions. Launch reliability. There's no need to buy, transport and maintain a catapult or launcher. Tough and robust. Made from lightweight and strong composites. Fly again tomorrow. Stable and optimised for imaging of large areas, get your project completed in one flight. High quality sensors with high quality lenses. Enjoy survey grade acquisition. Simulation technology to get you started, keep you current and prepare for tasks. Make mistakes on a simulator not on the UAV. Semi-Autonomous flying from take off to recovery. No Radio Control Skills required. Travel cases to keep the dust out and UAV secure. Daylight readable laptop in specialised Ground Control

Resent aerial survey projects done with the HawkEye UAV system in New Zealand, South Africa, Botswana, United Arab Emirates.

Our aerial data and services will be:



High Resolution

Cost Effective

Safely Acquired

Precise Volumetrics

Digital Terrain Models

GIS Solutions

Gis for Utilities, Local government and

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