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osurv last won the day on August 3 2016

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  1. Yes, a great drone but the problem is that DJI has yet to release the SDK for the Mavic 3 so 3rd party apps such as Drone Deploy won't work. So at the moment there is no auto-waypoint based method to fly mapping with this drone.
  2. Jika Anda hanya ingin menyesuaikan nilai Z, Anda dapat menggunakan Global Mapper untuk melakukan ini. 1. Pertama muat data raster, lalu data GCP sebagai titik vektor. 2. Selanjutnya, ubah data raster menjadi fitur titik. 3. Kemudian gunakan 'LIDAR QC' untuk menyesuaikan fitur titik ke data GCP. 4. Setelah penyesuaian, ubah fitur titik kembali ke kisi ketinggian raster.
  3. Very cool...great share. I read somewhere that Bogor, Java gets the most lightning strikes per year than any other place in the world...not sure if still true or not.
  4. Hi Lurker, Can you lease re-activate my account. Thanks, Osurv
  5. sz_option, Try the Terrasolid website: Software Manuals: http://www.terrasolid.com/download/user_guides.php Tutorials: http://www.terrasolid.com/training/training_animations.php osurv
  6. Lurker, Sorry for the late reply... yes, I think you will need the ordinary Microstation, but if you already have Map, maybe you can try first... I just remember one other classification software that is free called FUSION and created by the US Forestry Dept (I think..). I have never used it and may not be quite user friendly. That quote from the DIY Drone forum is 100% correct. In my Company, experience tells us auto procesing of LiDAR point cloud data gives us about a 70-80% correct bare earth classification. Auto processing of UAV photo point cloud gives us around 30-40% correct classification of similar terrain.
  7. Correct, Terrascan uses Microstation Platform. But there is good reason for this - the Vortex point cloud engine is one of the most efficient for dealing with large point clouds. Global Mapper / LiDAR Module is standalone. There is also VRMesh but don't know how effective this is. You might be dissapointed if you want 90% auto classiifcation, especially with photo produced point clouds. Most softwares have a hard time dealing with this sort of data. OSurv
  8. Hi Lurker, There are a few other softwares that will classify bare earth, but none will do a 100% efficient job automatically without some manual editing afterwards. Eg: Carlson Point Cloud Global Mapper with LiDAR module Terrasolid Terrascan My recomendation would be Terrascan. It is the industry standard for Aerial LiDAR processing and does a fast and efficient job on auto classifying ground points. It also allows you to alter the parameters depending on the terrain and objects that you have in your dataset. Osurv
  9. Berlangganan gratis Dalam pengalaman saya, servce itu tidak selalu dapat diandalkan. Saya tidak berpikir realtime RTK koreksi belum tersedia. Hanya posting proses kinematik. osurv
  10. I use the previous Archer v1 and highly reccomend it. Good build quality & very flexible - I use for digital level, total station and GPS via bluetooth or USB (even old equipment with RS232 serial can be connected). Plus I have the mobile GPS receiver add-on that allows differential post processing. I use Carlson SurvCE & ESRI Mobile GIS for software. V2 with the added keyboard & camera looks even better - the GEO versions are able to post process too, plus has GPS/GLONASS option.
  11. Terima kasih Lurker! Saya melihat website ini sebelum tapi sekarang BIG telah memperbarui database mereka
  12. Apakah ada yang memiliki data geodetik Bakosurtanal/BIG titk control ke Indonesia menunjukkan informasi Lat / Long / Elevation? Terima Kasih osurv
  13. Hi Surveyor06, You will need more than the ALS PP software to make the las file. You will also need the IPAS blended solution file that is made up of the GPS solution (base and rover trajectory solution) and the IMU data. This position file and the .scn (raw laser file) are then combined in ALS PP to output the las file. osurv
  14. Your absolutely correct, you need to imagine this as Total Station data. Therefore, just like a total station, you need at least one reference point/object in order to orientate your survey data. Are you able to identify a point in your radar data that you could establish an absolute position for? This would then be your 'back-sight' reference point. More than one point would be better to give you further checks and redundancy. Assuming you have at least one point: 1. Calculate the distance & bearing between this absolute point and your absolute radar position (tip: as a further data check, the absolute difference should be the same as the relative distance). 2. Then rotate the whole data-set based on the difference between the absolute bearing and the relative bearing. 3. Then transform the xyz based on the difference between the relative and absolute coordinate of the radar position. 4. If you have more than one reference point position, you can then compare your transformed positions with the reference positions to make sure everything is correct. Hope this helps. osurv
  15. Salam, Perusahaan kami memberikan pelatihan dasar tentang ArcGIS Geologi di Jakarta, atau di tempat kerja klien. Periksa pesan pribadi Anda untuk rincian.
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