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Everything posted by arcsump


  2. Hello There! Would like to share this link for those interested to code in python and make maps =) http://sensitivecities.com/so-youd-like-to-make-a-map-using-python-EN.html I was able to create 300 of these maps in 2 hours after reading this. =) Also done this to visualize the extent of damage due to storm surges brought about byTyphoon Haiyan (Yolanda in our country name) in Tacloban City, Eastern Samar.
  3. right. hope it puts a lot of bluetooth profiles and protocols with it. =) especially Message Access Profiles =) very useful if you ask me =)
  4. actually they changed every LOGO. I was surprised to see the yahoo groups page interface and logo while logging as admin in one of our groups.=)
  5. well it looks promising , it soo llight ^^ will show you an example later. for now, i am using openlayers http://iesmanila.com/lgis
  6. Familiar with Openlayers but needed a more lightweight solution? Try Leaflet as your portrayal service comrades ^^ http://leafletjs.com/
  7. arcsump

    KML to WKT

    don't worry i'm quite comfortable with coding, but i seem surprised that a few(?) people seem to notice that there is a need to do such. Otherwise i will import data to Qgis and copy the tables. Thanks anyways^^
  8. arcsump

    KML to WKT

    AS the title suggests, how do we do this without manually doing it? ^^ suggestions are welcome ^^ thanks
  9. it depends if you are to serve the spatial data on the server, you can check Geoserver.
  10. I thought this was a question? Bur in that case lemme comment on the 64 bit using a 32 bit program. If you opt to use a 32 bit program on a 64 bit os, chances are you get POORER performance than when you run it on a 32 bit OS. This is because the 64 bit system uses an abstraction layer to mimic the 32 bit system ,much like a virtual drive. 'S So, unless you all use 64 bit programs , stick to the 32 bit OS,
  11. we should also thank the creator of Linux, who died months after him.
  12. as a side comment, if someone makes for mac and it's as good as Arc, omg that it a boom! little porting and it will encompass its UNIX cousins (fedora , linux) and ANDROID!
  13. yup. and if possible create a dummy email just for that accounts =)
  14. Geomatics Engineers: People who tell you where you are - in terms of numbers. GIS People: People who tell you what it is - in terms of maps. Consultants: People who tell you they can help - in terms of money.
  15. in terms of effectiveness and overlkill, i give it to kaspersky. avast! has a low memory blueprint too, but i still stick to MSE. =)
  16. if i am not mistaken, try setting the coordinate display in google earth to UTM (well the third option ,aside from decdegrees and degminsec) before converting. If it does not work do not fret, as long as you have a GCS, you can always project to a PCS via ArcGIS toolbox: Data Management > Projections and Transformations > Project. I believe you can project it to a PCS. Remember that a GCS is a 3D surface, and a PCS is a 2D surface which came from a 3D surface, hence the term projected. As a side note, there is no problem if you are working with datasets with the same DATUM (That is for example,all datasets are in WGS84). Just make sure you also have on-the-fly projection enabled. hope this helps =)
  17. Check the properties of the raster first if there is an existing projection. right - click the raster name on the table of contents > properties if there is none and you know the projection, go to toolboxes > data management > projections and transformations (p&t) > define projection. If you don't see it, then you may have to go inside raster : p&t > raster. then select from the given geographic coordinate systems (usually the coords are in degrees) or projected coordinate systems (coords in meters or some other unit.) then execute. if there is already an existing data projection, then do this: go to toolboxes > data management > projections and transformations (p&t) > raster > project raster. you can choose the desired coordinate system to project the raster, as well as the geographic transformation/s to be used. hope this helps. =)
  18. why don't you try adjusting them per linetype, using one kind of linetype for all? if you are seeking to change the linetype on a SINGLE feature, and the attributes can be sorted in such a way that each attribute value defines a class, right on the feature , properties, symbology tab. please make your inquiry clear. be specific as possible, so that everyone figures out what you're trying to do, and everyone can help you out.
  19. I second the motion. Let me add to the list Autodesk. It is understandable that we pay for these companies, but their concept of earning is that they earn more this year than what they earned last year. In other words, earning the same this year as the year before means they DID nOT EARN anything at all. That is how capitalism works. if they give us the same crappy bloatware, i think it is not fair, so we skilled people tend to use magic versions of their software. It is part of the challenge for us GIS people ( specialists, analysts, etc. ) either we earn more or create more. That is how i view this. So , i am repaeting the title of this post: DO YOU STILL WANT TO BE A GISP?
  20. Institute Motto : Get ready to ROCK and ROLL

  21. In my view, this is a type or a subset of Distributed GI Systems (DGIS), in the same vein as client browser map from bing maps to yahoo maps to google maps to open street maps to fornt end - backend systems.
  22. I wonder how are they going to do that, unless they come up with a sufficiently small app that can do route computations like arcgis or bing maps. oh and btw, bing maps routing is cool,
  23. just a humble suggestion: i suggest to update the title of new topics panel to something like "trending" or "hot off the grill" ? in the same vein, what if we could put a dedicated panel ( same panel as the new topics panel) for top posters/ most active ? we could even label the panel as "hyperactives" or "noisiest people" or "forum stars" or something to that effect feel free to react comrades
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