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Everything posted by 3dbu

  1. Medicine of Envi 6 please!!!! 😇
  2. Amazing dude , thanks for shared, regards.
  3. nice share dude thanks
  4. amazing maps of mangrove loss, thanks.
  5. amazing share dude !!! multiverse map
  6. Perhaps help if use Globalmapper have and LIDAR module and can split subset from you data or make other geoprocessing analysis.
  7. In your new graph each high value correspond to near distance... is like high value are inverse to distance ....if you use reclass in arctoolboxs can define por each class the value require ... here get a print screen done by me https://ibb.co/0KCj079 check there area different options to reclassify a raster...
  8. You can check reclass option in SA, there get many different form to reclassify .
  9. ArcGis excalibur is amazing tool thanks for share this topic, regards
  10. nice share, really we have a idea of black hole but really pics is very difficult and almost impossible to get..thanks.
  11. There are two options 1) Create a TIN from DEM , in ArcScene use it like base hight for your waste layer 2) intertronic explaining option regards .
  12. Try to use image of the same date, and check the mosaic options in ENVI....perhaps could use ERDAS or another softwares and compared the results... regards.
  13. Amazing acquisition from ESRI, became more powerful the suite of ArcGIS and help to other to complement with GIS issues...regards
  14. Amazing, i'll check it , thanks for share it dude.
  15. N Dude, but each chapter are 29.84 $... perhaps someone can buy it, regards
  16. Interesting and try it , regards .
  17. Great news, thank, for shire it...hope the new maps updated came with the last IOS and OSMAc to releas soon.
  18. Could to apply combine from toolbox and have the same raster with both table....regards PD: if have any table of raster...BTW could follow the step posted by other in this topic.
  19. There area many source with NDVI but not to high resolution jet, here one of many link : https://www.globalforestwatch.org; luck.
  20. Yeah good news, thank for share it.
  21. Here help if viewshed analyst http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/10.3/tools/spatial-analyst-toolbox/using-viewshed-and-observer-points-for-visibility.htm hope help and give an idea of the how to... regards
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