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Capricorn last won the day on July 9 2023

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About Capricorn

  • Birthday January 19

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    sad south
  • Interests
    HVAC, architecture, civil engineering, CADD, GIS, 3D visualizations, web design

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  1. Hi people, Has anyone tried this Manifold add-in for ArcGIS Pro? https://manifold.net/info/sql4arc.shtml Is it really so good in providing spatial SQL for Esri file geodatabases, the steps we miss in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro?
  2. The projection is realy with with AXIS["Y",EAST] and AXIS["X",NORTH]] and WFS reads it well while making GML, meaning Global Mapper reads only "regular" SRS axis order?
  3. Hi people, When I connect to a WFS from GlobalMapper 21.1, a GML file with swapped coordinates is downloaded (northing-easting) and GlobalMapper reads these coordinates as they are easting-northing. Is there any workaround for this? ArcMap reads this WFS normally using Interoperability Extension without telling SRS axis order. GlobalMapper doesn't have any option to chose SRS axis order.
  4. copy line: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArcGIS\ThirdParty\bin\HorizonDial.ocx" to your Run window
  5. Hi people, Can anyone find textbook of Polish Map specification (.pm file), please?
  6. What's the point using PowerPoint for GIS presentations? What about another approach?
  7. Hi people, How do you export to shp files from GPSMapEdit? When I try, I get this message Export to ESRI shapefiles is available only in registered copy of GPSMapEdit (License 2.0) My GPSMapEdit is licensed with NGEN keygen.
  8. Hi people, Anyone got this CD with Data Base and exploitation software?
  9. Believe me, you wouldn't like to see 99% Then you will not be able even to surf on Internet. I had such experience while rendering in 3ds Max. These are the moments when I realize that my CPU fan has another gear
  10. I don't think this operation uses memory but a processor speed. When you start loading this shape, then your PC uses memory.
  11. The same impression here. I believe admins will put it back after this IPB upgrade. BTW, you can use "All Activity".
  12. michaeledsome, You are at good position because you have your own drone and you can make images again as superspack said. Is your merged geotiff image completely plain, I mean no z coordinates at all? If so, and someone gets finished plain geotiff (with no chance to make images again himself), that would be real challenge. Is it possible at all? Using Map Algebra in ArcGIS?
  13. This goes off the title topic ... My specialization is HVAC, I also work in the field of civil/road design, photogrammetry, water supply, sewer and storm, 3d visualizations for architects (from 1996.), web design ... These all have their specialized tools/software I use to make the job done. But they aren't the topic either ...
  14. Hi juliusmall, As I already said, I work in the field of urban planning and make final documents (spatial plans) with 20-25 layouts, so no sending data from me to others for further processing. I collect all the data (some of them I make myself, in many different applications) of an urban area and after making decisions I make maps and layouts. Layout is the final product for me. No layout = no plan. Finished layout becomes the part of law. That's why I talk about core products, because I think making GIS maps and layouts should be the basic part of them. Making layouts in QGIS became very easy and intuitive.
  15. And do you agree with my conclusion that "core" MapInfo is not better than QGIS?
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