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Everything posted by phanteon

  1. Hello guys I've got this map which I have to convert into shapefile. Each zone represented with a different color must be transformed into a polygon. (Feature) I know I can create features manually, that I have to many Maps and some of them have too many polygons that need to be created. I already tried raster to polygon in arcgis. But it creates waaay to Many polygons and the result is basically useless. Please tell me about any method you may know. Thanks
  2. Hi ppl. I have to transform into digital format a lot of scanned maps. Not everything on them but only some major zones that have the same colors. I was wondering if Is there any tool capable of transforming some regions with the same color into a polygon. I've been looking around all day buy came up empty handed. Think on a country with all it's states in different colos. I have to separate each state as a lone polygon. This is a huge task and would like to have a little bit of help with a raster to vector tool. It doesn't matter if it is made for Arcgis. Autocad. Qgis or whatever. So far I've tried Autocad raster design, but it transforms only basic polylines like arcs and circles. Tried arcgis raster to polygon but it makes sooooo many polygons and my PC crashes when loading (only if it would allow me to make polygons bigger than X area....) Please tell me if you know any Thanks.
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