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Lurker last won the day on March 25

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  • Birthday 02/13/1983

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  1. Lurker


    i just check with website downtime checker, and the sites has been down for couple days, just wait till its up,
  2. NASA and the Italian Space Agency made history on March 3 when the Lunar GNSS Receiver Experiment (LuGRE) became the first technology demonstration to acquire and track Earth-based navigation signals on the Moon’s surface. The LuGRE payload’s success in lunar orbit and on the surface indicates that signals from the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) can be received and tracked at the Moon. These results mean NASA’s Artemis missions, or other exploration missions, could benefit from these signals to accurately and autonomously determine their position, velocity, and time. This represents a steppingstone to advanced navigation systems and services for the Moon and Mars. “On Earth we can use GNSS signals to navigate in everything from smartphones to airplanes,” said Kevin Coggins, deputy associate administrator for NASA’s SCaN (Space Communications and Navigation) Program. “Now, LuGRE shows us that we can successfully acquire and track GNSS signals at the Moon. This is a very exciting discovery for lunar navigation, and we hope to leverage this capability for future missions.” The road to the historic milestone began on March 2 when the Firefly Aerospace’s Blue Ghost lunar lander touched down on the Moon and delivered LuGRE, one of 10 NASA payloads intended to advance lunar science. Soon after landing, LuGRE payload operators at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, began conducting their first science operation on the lunar surface. With the receiver data flowing in, anticipation mounted. Could a Moon-based mission acquire and track signals from two GNSS constellations, GPS and Galileo, and use those signals for navigation on the lunar surface? Then, at 2 a.m. EST on March 3, it was official: LuGRE acquired and tracked signals on the lunar surface for the first time ever and achieved a navigation fix — approximately 225,000 miles away from Earth. Now that Blue Ghost is on the Moon, the mission will operate for 14 days providing NASA and the Italian Space Agency the opportunity to collect data in a near-continuous mode, leading to additional GNSS milestones. In addition to this record-setting achievement, LuGRE is the first Italian Space Agency developed hardware on the Moon, a milestone for the organization. The LuGRE payload also broke GNSS records on its journey to the Moon. On Jan. 21, LuGRE surpassed the highest altitude GNSS signal acquisition ever recorded at 209,900 miles from Earth, a record formerly held by NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission. Its altitude record continued to climb as LuGRE reached lunar orbit on Feb. 20 — 243,000 miles from Earth. This means that missions in cislunar space, the area of space between Earth and the Moon, could also rely on GNSS signals for navigation fixes. source: NASA
  3. Lurker

    Mapinfo Error

    apa yang dilakukan sampai keluar error itu kalo dari errornya sekilas terkait masalah lisensi error, kemungkinan jamunya ndak bagus
  4. Foto yang menggambarkan komparasi perubahan pada 26 April 2022-19 Februari 2024 tersebut sejatinya dirilis pada 19 Februari 2024 lalu Penyusutan tutupan hutan atau deforestasi di wilayah IKN ini juga dicatat oleh Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI). Dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun (2018-2021), deforestasi di wilayah IKN mencapai 18.000 hektar, dengan 14.010 hektar di antaranya berada di hutan produksi, 3.140 hektar di Area Penggunaan Lain, sisanya 807 hektar di Taman Hutan Rakyat (Tahura), 9 hektar di Hutan Lindung, dan 15 hektar di area lainnya. Catatan FWI (2023) menerangkan, sepanjang 2022 dan sampai Juni 2023 luas areal terdeforestasi mencapai 1.663 hektare. Terkait hal ini, Direktur Pengembangan Pemanfaatan Kehutanan dan Sumber Daya Air Otorita IKN Pungky Widiaryanto mengakui, isu perubahan tutupan hutan di Kalimantan, khususnya IKN, memang menjadi perhatian banyak pihak, baik yang mendukung maupun yang mengkritisi. Namun demikian, Pungky merasa perlu untuk memberikan klarifikasi, agar pemahaman masyarakat menjadi lebih baik. Bahwa, kondisi awal area IKN sebelum pembangunan dimulai pada 2022, didominasi oleh hutan tanaman industri, terutama pohon eucalyptus. Pertumbuhannya yang cepat dan siklus panen yang singkat, menjadikannya pilihan utama dalam hutan tanaman industri. "Oleh karena itu, perubahan yang terlihat dari citra satelit mungkin mencerminkan aktivitas pengelolaan hutan tanaman industri yang sudah ada sebelumnya," terang Pungky kepada Kompas.com, Selasa (28/1/2025). Sementara, IKN dirancang dengan prinsip keberlanjutan sebagai prioritas utama. Dari total area yang ada seluas 252.660 hektar, hanya 25 persen yang akan digunakan untuk bangunan, fasilitas, dan infrastruktur. Sebagian besar wilayah lainnya atau 75 persen, akan dihijaukan kembali dengan berbagai jenis pohon khas Kalimantan, bukan hanya eucalyptus. Strateginya adalah menggunakan pohon eucalyptus yang ada sebagai naungan bagi tanaman baru. Ketika eucalyptus mati, pohon-pohon khas Kalimantan akan siap tumbuh dengan baik. Sejak tahun 2022 hingga saat ini, reforestasi telah terlaksana di area seluas 8.420 hektar di wilayah delineasi IKN. Penanaman ini melibatkan berbagai pihak, termasuk instansi pemerintah, perusahaan swasta, yayasan, dan perguruan tinggi, dalam pengelolaan rimba kota. Pungky mengakui bahwa target mengubah 65 persen dari luas area IKN menjadi kawasan lindung dengan tutupan hutan hujan tropis merupakan target ambisius. "Ini adalah upaya besar yang memerlukan dukungan dari semua kalangan. Kami mengajak seluruh masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam upaya reforestasi ini," imbuh Pungky. Untuk itu, Kedeputian Bidang Lingkungan Hidup dan Sumber Daya Air pun mengembangkan mekanisme pendanaan yang memiliki potensi besar untuk mendukung target reforestasi. sumber: Kompas
  5. In war and conflict zones, the jamming of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNNS) signals by military forces disrupts the tracking of tagged animals, and has increased in frequency following the recent escalation of conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Such disruption to data collection strongly hampers research into the protection and conservation of endangered animals. For decades, scientists have been uncovering the secrets of animal movements using various technological solutions1. Many of these technologies rely on the GNSS (including the Global Positioning System—GPS) to geolocate the tagged animals2. Although originally developed for military purposes3, GNSS has gained enormous popularity in a wide range of civilian applications, including those related to research on animal movement and conservation biology. By receiving signals from multiple satellites, a GNSS tracking device can gain a high-accuracy location of the carrying animal almost everywhere on the globe within milliseconds. Yet due to the common use of GNSS-enabled applications in military operations, the disruption of GNSS signals is becoming frequent, especially in conflict areas. This jamming or spoofing of GNSS signals is intended to disrupt navigation systems of enemy forces. However, the non-specific nature of this electronic warfare affects all GNSS based devices, including multiple civilian applications such as civilian aircraft4 and research involving animal tracking devices5. GNSS spoofing We report here the strong effects of GNSS spoofing on bird tracking following the recent escalation of conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. By remotely monitoring the daily movements of birds across these regions during autumn 2023 to summer 2024, we repeatedly recorded erroneous positioning for many individuals across multiple species. This resulted in a significant loss of invaluable data, which in turn may have a severe impact on the ability to monitor and interpret animal movements and draw relevant conclusions for understanding their biology and developing conservation strategies. We observed such cases for multiple species (including eagles, falcons, shorebirds, and bustards), involving both resident and migratory birds. The erroneously recorded positions occurred over multiple countries and were often—but not exclusively—translocated to international airports, for example in Russia, Ukraine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Egypt. We illustrate the issue with the tracks of black-tailed godwits (Limosa limosa) migrating from Finland to Romania while flying in or near Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, and of Bonelli’s eagles (Aquila fasciata) dispersing from their natal sites in Israel. Black-tailed godwits Fifteen black-tailed godwits were tagged in Finland in May 2024, as part of the Habitrack EU-funded research program (https://habitrack.eu). Breeding near Oulu or in Karelia, the godwits migrated southwards later in June or July. Most godwits followed a migratory pathway over Russia, Belarus and Ukraine leading to the Danube River delta in Romania. Eight displayed spoofed geolocations during their migrations, many birds being localized at the exact same place despite not migrating simultaneously (Fig. 1). We identified three obvious locations: west of St Petersburg (4 individuals), in Smolensk oblast (for 7 individuals migrating over Belarus), and in Crimea (5 individuals). For the latter, the tags mostly pointed to Simferopol airport in Crimea (45.037°N, 33.966°E) when the birds actually reached the Odessa region of Ukraine. As examples, one female godwit (ring ST340089, in pink) had her location moved to Simferopol airport on 22 June 2024 while she was flying just north of Mykolaiv. The total distance added to this migration track was estimated at 550 km, though covered in 16 min only. For another female godwit (ringed ST320391, in black), we recorded 9 locations at Simferopol airport, while the interleaved positions recorded by the tag indicated that the bird was in the Danube River delta in Romania, close to the Ukrainian border: 4 on 28 June, 1 on 29 June, 2 on 4 July, 1 on 14 July and 1 on 21 July. The distance between the actual locations and the airport ranged between 380 and 420 km, so that the nine erroneously-recorded round trips represented a total distance of ~7200 km. This however represents less than 0.1% of all locations (9 out of 9 053) obtained while the bird lingered in the Danube River delta between 26 June and 10 August 2024. Seven other godwits took more western migratory routes and their tracking devices did not record spoofed geolocations. Bonelli’s eagles Forty-eight Bonelli’s eagles were tracked with GPS tags across Israel between October 2023 and September 2024, as part of a national conservation program led by the Israel Nature and Parks Authority. Electrocution has been identified as the primary threat to this population6. Most of the tagged eagles typically exhibit local dispersal movements within Israel and adjacent Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria. Coinciding with escalating regional conflict from October 2023 onwards, an increase in GPS interference was observed. The majority of spoofed locations were diverted to international airports in the region, while some outliers appeared in a specific area in the Mediterranean Sea (Fig. 2). By early April 2024, interference levels reached 100% for some individuals, with the entire monitored population experiencing 20–50% spoofed locations (Fig. 2 insert). This disruption hampers efforts to identify risk factors such as hazardous power pylons, poisoning events, and direct persecution, thereby significantly weakening long-term conservation and mitigation efforts. Handling spoofed positions For scientists studying animal movements, these virtual translocations can be detected if they are truly outlying, or repeated. For example, an animal commuting back and forth daily to an international airport, or several birds that receive the same geolocation despite their routes diverge so they are clearly not migrating in the same flock. However, some cases might be less obvious and may require a refined knowledge of the species’ typical movement patterns in order to be detected. Whether obvious or not, researchers must consider the risk of location errors caused by GNSS spoofing when analyzing movement trajectories or habitat use. As we show with these data samples, such errors are widespread, and might appear in many new places in the future. GNSS spoofing in conflict zones poses a significant challenge to wildlife tracking and conservation efforts. This phenomenon compromises not only the accuracy of migration studies but also critical conservation activities such as mortality detection and epidemic monitoring. The implications extend beyond scientific research, potentially affecting endangered species management and human-wildlife conflict mitigation7,8,9. In response to these challenges, researchers may start exploring potential solutions to mitigate the effects of GNSS spoofing. While advanced anti-spoofing algorithms and encrypted signals are being developed in other fields like civil aviation and military applications, such technologies have not yet been widely applied to wildlife tracking due to cost and complexity. Given the gravity of environmental crises worldwide and the ubiquity with which wildlife research relies on GNSS technologies, such solutions are no less imperative and should be developed and shared among practitioners.
  6. 1. Perkenalan Geodatabase (.gdb), Geodatabase adalah format penyimpanan data spasial yang digunakan dalam Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Dikembangkan oleh Esri, geodatabase berfungsi sebagai wadah untuk menyimpan, mengelola, dan menganalisis data geografis secara efisien dalam bentuk yang terorganisir. Geodatabase memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengelola data spasial dan atributnya secara terintegrasi dalam satu basis data. 2. Geodatabase VS Shapefile. Geodatabase dan Shapefile adalah dua format data yang sering digunakan dalam Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) untuk menyimpan data spasial. Namun, keduanya memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan dalam hal kemampuan, efisiensi, dan fungsionalitas. Perbandingan antara keduanya meliputi struktur penyimpanan, kapasitas penyimpanan, dukungan data dan fungsi, skalabilitas dan kolaborasi, kinerja dan kompabilitas Pilih Geodatabase jika: - Anda bekerja dengan dataset besar dan kompleks. - Membutuhkan pengelolaan data terintegrasi (multi-layer, relasi, aturan topologi). - Menggunakan SIG pada skala organisasi besar. Pilih Shapefile jika: -Anda memerlukan format sederhana untuk berbagi data dengan banyak platform. - Dataset Anda kecil, dengan kebutuhan analisis yang sederhana. Meskipun shapefile masih banyak digunakan karena kesederhanaannya, geodatabase menawarkan kemampuan yang jauh lebih unggul untuk kebutuhan modern dalam SIG. 3. Ekspor SHP ke GDB GDB mampu membuat feature baru namun pada kesempatan ini kita akan mengekspor data SHP yang sudah ada ke GDB, selain menghemat waktu, kita juga dapat berlatih. selain SHP, format data yang populer lainnya adalah KML dan geoJSON. 4. Mengolah data survey lapangan dalam bentuk XLS, mengedit dan membersihkan data Sebelum di olah di ArcMAP, data lapangan dalam format XLS terlebih dahulu dibersihkan/cleaning seperti nama kolom yang tidak boleh ada spasi. 5. Ekspor XLS ke CSV Setelah dibersihkan, data XLS di ekspor ke CSV. 6. Plotting data sebaran titik survey CSV ke ArcMAP, data XY dalam Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) berformat decimal degree (DD) Data CSV kemudian ditambahkan dan plotting ke ArcMAP. Plotting atau menampilkan sebaran titik survey diatas kanvas ArcMAP dilakukan dengan menggunakan 2 (dua) kolom/field kombinasi X/Longitude/Bujur dan field Y/Latitude/Lintang sebagai titik koordinat bumi lokasi responden survey. Koordinat system yang digunakan dalam kursus kali ini adalah Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) dengan satuan derajat (Degree) dan berformat Decimal Degree/DD 7. Ekspor data plotting ke GDB Sebaran titik survey yang telah di tambahkan di kanvas ArcMAP tersimpan sementara di memori (temporary layer), untuk membuatnya permanen maka kita akan ekspor data sebaran titik ini ke GDB 8. Membuat model spasial kita akan membuat model spasial dari sebaran titik survey yang telah tersimpan di GDB. Model spasial ini dapat berbentuk thematik dan khoropleth. Model spasial akan memberikan gambaran lebih jelas bagaimana data ini tersebar berdasarkan data atribut yang diperoleh seperti model spasial usia, model spasial omset perbulan, model spasial omset pertahun dan lainnya. 9. Mendesain Layout dalam ArcMAP document (MXD). Kita akan membuat layout di ArcMAP. Kita membuat layout untuk masing-masing model spasial di atas. download: https://rapidgator.net/file/2f100a5bfa0ca590da1b0572a8d22163/SANET.STProcessingSurveyDatainGCSWithArcGISDesktop10.8.part1.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/c81950916039d65e0ecfd400014cbaa3/SANET.STProcessingSurveyDatainGCSWithArcGISDesktop10.8.part2.rar.html
  7. LORAN — an acronym for Long Range Navigation — was a US byproduct of World War II and was similar in many ways to Britain’s Gee system. However, LORAN operated at lower frequencies to improve its range. It was instrumental in helping convoys cross the Atlantic and also found use in the Pacific theater. How it Worked The video shows a Loran-A receiver, which, in its day, would have been known as LORAN. The A was added after versions B and C appeared. Back in the 1940s, something like this with a CRT and precision electronics would have been very expensive. Unlike GPS, keeping a highly synchronized clock over many stations was impractical at the time. So, LORAN stations operated in pairs on different frequencies and with a known distance between the two. The main station sends a blip. When the secondary station hears the blip, it sends its own blip. Sometimes there were multiple secondaries, too. If you receive both blips, you can measure the time between them and use it to get an idea of where you are. Suppose the stations were 372 miles apart. That means the secondary will hear the blip roughly 2 milliseconds after the primary sends it (the speed of light is about 186 miles per millisecond). You can characterize how much the secondary delays, so let’s just say that’s another millisecond. Reception Now both transmitted blips have to make it to your receiver. Let’s take a sill example. Suppose you are on top of station B. You’ll hear station A at the same time station B hears it. Then, when you subtract out the delay for station B, you’ll hear its blip immediately. You could easily guess you were 372 miles from station A. It is more likely, though, that you will be somewhere else, which complicates things. If you find there is a 372-mile difference in your distance from station A to station B, that could mean you were 186 miles away from each station. Or, you could be 202 miles from station A and 170 miles from station B. If you plot all the possibilities, you’ll get a hyperbolic curve. You are somewhere on the curve. How do you know where? You take a reading on a different pair of transmitters, and the curves should touch on two points. You are on one of those points. This is similar to stellar navigation, and you usually have enough of an idea where you are to get rid of one of the points as ridiculous. You do, however, have to take into account the motion of your vehicle between readings. If there are multiple secondary stations, that can help since you can get multiple readings without switching to an entirely new pair. The Coast Guard video below explains it graphically, if that helps. Receiver Tech The receiver was able to inject a rectangular pulse on both channels to use as a reference, which is what the video talks about being the “pedestal” (although the British typically called it a cursor). LORAN could operate up to 700 nautical miles in the day, but nighttime propagation would allow measurements up to 1,400 nautical miles away. Of course, the further away you are, the less accurate the system is. During the day, things were simple because you typically just got one pulse from each station. But at night, you could get multiple bounces, and it was much more difficult to interpret. If you want to dive really deep into how you’d take a practical fix, [The Radar Room] has a very detailed video. It shows multiple pulses and uses a period-appropriate APN-4 receiver.
  8. Researchers have developed a new hyperspectral Raman imaging lidar system that can remotely detect and identify various types of plastics. This technology could help address the critical issue of plastic pollution in the ocean by providing better tools for monitoring and analysis. "Plastic pollution poses a serious threat to marine ecosystems and human livelihoods, affecting industries like fisheries, tourism and shipping," said research team leader Toshihiro Somekawa from the Institute for Laser Technology in Japan. "To manage and protect the marine environment, it's essential to assess the size, concentration and distribution of plastic debris, but traditional lab-based methods are often time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive." In the journal Optics Letters, the researchers describe their new system, which is compact and optimized for low energy consumption, making it suitable for use aboard a drone. They show that the system can identify plastics that are 6 meters away with a relatively wide field of view of 1 mm x 150 mm. "A drone equipped with our lidar sensor could be used to assess marine plastic debris on land or in the sea, paving the way for more targeted cleanup and prevention efforts," said Somekawa. "The system could also be used for other monitoring applications, such as detecting hazardous gas leaks." Achieving remote detection The researchers previously demonstrated a monitoring system based on a flash Raman lidar technique in which bandpass filters were matched to each measurement target for detection in a successive manner. This technique, however, isn't practical for detecting marine plastics because switching the filters would hinder instantaneous 3D ranging and detection. Other research groups have explored using hyperspectral Raman imaging to monitor plastic pollution. This technique combines Raman spectroscopy with imaging to capture spatially resolved chemical information across a sample, producing detailed maps of molecular composition and structure. However, conventional hyperspectral Raman imaging can only detect targets that are close to the instrument. For remote detection, the researchers combined lidar for distance measurement with hyperspectral Raman spectroscopy. They did this by building a prototype system that included a pulsed 532- nm green laser for lidar measurements and a 2D imaging spectrometer equipped with a gated intensified CCD (ICCD). The Raman signal backscattered from a distant target was detected as a vertical line, and the hyperspectral information contained in each point recorded horizontally. Using an ICCD camera that can be gated on a nanosecond time scale was essential for achieving the Raman lidar measurement with fine range resolutions. Range-resolved Raman imaging "We designed our system to acquire images and spectroscopic measurements simultaneously," said Somekawa. "Since the Raman spectrum is unique for each plastic type, the imaging information can be used to understand the spatial distribution and type of plastic debris and hyperspectral information can be obtained from targets at any distance due to the pulsed laser enabling range-resolved measurements." The researchers tested their prototype system on a plastic sample consisting of a polyethylene sheet in the upper position and a polypropylene sheet in the lower position. From 6 meters away, the system was able to acquire the characteristic spectra of each plastic and produce images showing the vertical distribution of the plastics. The researchers say that the imaging pixel size of 0.29 millimeters with the ICCD camera at the stand-off distance of 6 meters implies that small plastic debris could be measured and analyzed using the hyperspectral Raman imaging lidar system. Next, the researchers plan to use their system to monitor microplastics that are floating or submerged in water. This should be feasible since laser light around 532 nm transmits effectively through water, enabling better detection in aquatic environments. page: https://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.544096
  9. Sometimes you need to create a satellite navigation tracking device that communicates via a low-power mesh network. [Powerfeatherdev] was in just that situation, and they whipped up a particularly compact solution to do the job. As you might have guessed based on the name of its creator, this build is based around the ESP32-S3 PowerFeather board. The PowerFeather has the benefit of robust power management features, which makes it perfect for a power-sipping project that’s intended to run for a long time. It can even run on solar power and manage battery levels if so desired. The GPS and LoRa gear is all mounted on a secondary “wing” PCB that slots directly on to the PowerFeather like a Arduino shield or Raspberry Pi HAT. The whole assembly is barely larger than a AA battery. It’s basically a super-small GPS tracker that transmits over LoRa, while being optimized for maximum run time on limited power from a small lithium-ion cell. If you’re needing to do some long-duration, low-power tracking task for a project, this might be right up your alley. https://hackaday.com/2024/10/17/tiny-lora-gps-node-relies-on-esp32/
  10. Multiple motors or servos are the norm for drones to achieve controllable flight, but a team from MARS LAB HKU was able to a 360° lidar scanning drone with full control on just a single motor and no additional actuators. Video after the break. The key to controllable flight is the swashplateless propeller design that we’ve seen a few times, but it always required a second propeller to counteract self-rotation. In this case, the team was able to make that self-rotation work so that they could achieve 360° scanning with a single fixed LIDAR sensor. Self-rotation still needs to be slowed, so this was done with four stationary vanes. The single rotor also means better efficiency compared to a multi-rotor with similar propeller disk area. The LIDAR comprises a full 50% of the drone’s weight and provides a conical FOV out to a range of 450m. All processing happens onboard the drone, with point cloud data being processed by a LIDAR-inertial odometry framework. This allows the drone to track and plan its flight path while also building a 3D map of an unknown environment. This means it would be extremely useful for indoor or underground environments where GPS or other positioning systems are not available. All the design files and code for the drone are up on GitHub, and most of the electronic components are off-the-shelf. This means you can build your own, and the expensive lidar sensor is not required to get it flying. This seems like a great platform for further experimentation, and getting usable video from a normal camera would be an interesting challenge. Single Rotor Drone Spins For 360 Lidar Scanning | Hackaday
  11. The fall update to Global Mapper includes numerous usability updates, processing improvements, and with Pro, beta access to the Global Mapper Insight and Learning Engine which contains deep learning-based image analysis tools. Global Mapper is a complete geospatial software solution. The Standard version excels at basic vector, raster, and terrain editing, with Global Mapper Pro expanding the toolset to support drone-collected image processing, point cloud classification and extraction, and many more advanced image and terrain analysis options. Version 26.0 of Global Mapper Standard focuses on ease-of-use updates to improve the experience and efficiency of the software. A Global Search acts as a toolbox to locate any tool within the program, and a source search in the online data streaming tool makes it easier to bring online data into the application. Updates for working with 3D data include construction site planning to keep all edited terrain for a flattened site within a selected area and the ability to finely adjust the vertex position of 3D lines in reference to terrain in the Path Profile tool. Perhaps the largest addition to Global Mapper Pro v26.0 is the availability of the new Insight and Learning Engine which provides deep learning-based image analysis. Available with Global Mapper Pro for a limited time for users to test and explore, users can leverage built-in models for building extraction, vehicle detection, or land cover classification. These models can even be fine-tuned with iterative training to optimize the analysis for the data area.
  12. Responding to the escalating threats from climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and extreme weather and the need to take action to address these threats, this forward-looking strategy outlines a bold vision for Earth science through to 2040. By leveraging advanced satellite-based monitoring of our planet, ESA aims to provide critical data and knowledge to guide action and policy for a more sustainable future. ESA’s Director of Earth Observation Programmes, Simonetta Cheli, said, “As a space agency, it is our duty to harness the unique power of Earth observing technology to inform the critical decisions that will shape our future. “Our new Earth Observation Science Strategy underscores a science-first approach where satellite technology provides data that contribute to our collective understanding of the Earth system as a whole, so that solutions can be found to address global environmental challenges.” “The choices we make today help create a more sustainable world and propel the transformation towards a resilient, thriving global society.” The new Science Strategy presents a bold and ambitious vision for the future of ESA’s Earth Observation Programmes. It shifts focus towards understanding the feedbacks and interconnections within the Earth system, rather than targeting specific Earth system domains.
  13. You're a hotshot working to contain a wildfire. The conflagration jumps the fire line, forcing your crew to flee using pre-determined escape routes. At the start of the day, the crew boss estimated how long it should take to get to the safety zone. With the flames at your back, you check your watch and hope they were right. Firefighters mostly rely on life-long experience and ground-level information to choose evacuation routes, with little support from digital mapping or aerial data. The tools that do exist tend to consider only a landscape's steepness when estimating the time it takes to traverse across terrain. However, running up a steep road may be quicker than navigating a flat boulder field or bushwacking through chest-high shrubs. Firefighters, disaster responders, rural health care workers and professionals in myriad other fields need a tool that incorporates all aspects of a landscape's structure to estimate travel times. In a new study, researchers from the University of Utah introduced Simulating Travel Rates in Diverse Environments (STRIDE), the first model that incorporates ground roughness and vegetation density, in addition to slope steepness, to predict walking travel times with unprecedented accuracy. "One of the fundamental questions in firefighter safety is mobility. If I'm in the middle of the woods and need to get out of here, what is the best way to go and how long will it take me?" said Mickey Campbell, research assistant professor in the School of Environment, Society and Sustainability (ESS) at the U and lead author of the study. The authors analyzed airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data and conducted field trials to develop a remarkably simple, accurate equation that identifies the most efficient routes between any two locations in wide-ranging settings, from paved, urban environments to off-trail, forested landscapes. They found that STRIDE consistently chose routes resembling paths that a person would logically seek out—a preference for roads and trails and paths of least resistance. STRIDE also produced much more accurate travel times than the standard slope-only models that severely underestimated travel time. "If the fire reaches a firefighter before they reach safety, the results can be deadly, as has happened in tragedies such as the 2013 Yarnell Hill fire," said Campbell. "STRIDE has the potential to not only improve firefighter evacuation but also better our understanding of pedestrian mobility across disciplines from defense to archaeology, disaster response and outdoor recreation planning." Airborne estimates of on-the-ground travel STRIDE is the first comprehensive model to use airborne LiDAR data to map two underappreciated factors that inhibit off-road travel—vegetation density and ground surface roughness—as well as steepness. LiDAR is commonly used to map the structure of a landscape from the air, Campbell explained. A LiDAR-equipped plane has sensors that shoot millions of laser pulses in all directions, which bounce back and paint a detailed map of structures on the ground. The laser pulses bounce off leaf litter, gravel, boulders, shrubs and tree canopies to build three-dimensional maps of terrain and vegetation with centimeter-level precision. The authors compared STRIDE performance against travel rates gleaned from three field experiments, in which volunteers walked along 100-meter-transects through areas with existing LiDAR data. "Getting travel times from a variety of volunteers allowed us to account for a range of human performance so we can make the most accurate predictions of travel rates in a diversity of environments," said co-author Philip Dennison, professor and director of ESS. The first field trials were in September of 2016. At the time, LiDAR datasets were relatively rare in the western U.S. Over the last decade, the U.S. Geological Society has developed LiDAR maps covering most of the country. "When we first started looking into wildland firefighter-mobility a decade ago, there were lots of people studying how fire spreads across the landscape, but very few people were working on the problem of how firefighters move across the landscape," said Campbell, then a doctoral student in Dennison's lab at ESS. "Only by combining these two pieces of information can we truly understand how to improve firefighter safety." That study, published in 2017, was the first attempt to map escape routes for wildland firefighters using LiDAR. The second trial took place in August of 2023 in the central Wasatch Mountains of Utah to capture a wider set of undeveloped, off-path landscape conditions than did the first experiment, including nearly impassibly steep slopes and extremely dense vegetation. The final experiment was in January of 2024 in Salt Lake City to test the STRIDE model in an urban environment. In total, about 50 volunteers walked more than 40 100-meter transects of highly varied terrain. Putting it together The study compared STRIDE against a slope-only model to generate the most efficient routes, or the least-cost paths, in the mountains surrounding Alta Ski Resort in the Wasatch Mountains, Utah. Geographers and archaeologists have been using least-cost path modeling to simulate human movement for decades; however, to date most have relied almost exclusively on slope as the sole landscape impediment. The authors imagined a scenario in which emergency responders are planning to rescue an injured hiker. From a central point, they chose 1,000 random locations for the hiker and asked both models to find the least-cost path. STRIDE chose established roads around the ski areas, followed trails and in some cases major ski slopes, to avoid patches of forest or dense vegetation. STRIDE reused established paths as long as possible before branching off, reinforcing the idea that STRIDE identified the routes most intuitive for somebody on the ground. "The really cool thing is that we didn't supply the algorithm with any knowledge of existing transportation networks. It just knew to take the roads because they're smoother, not vegetated and tend to be less steep," said Campbell. In contrast, the slope-only model had few overlapping pathways, with little regard for roads or trails. It sent rescuers through dense vegetation, dangerous scree fields and forested areas. The authors believe that STRIDE will have an immediate impact in the real world—they've made the STRIDE model publicly available so that anyone with LiDAR data and gumption can make their work or recreation more efficient, with a higher safety margin. "If you don't consider the vegetation cover and ground-surface material, you're going to significantly underestimate your total travel time. The U.S. Forest Service has been really supportive of this travel rate research because they recognize the inherent value of understanding firefighter mobility," said Campbell. "That's what I love about this work. It's not just an academic exercise, but it's something that has real, tangible implications for firefighters and for professionals in so many other fields." The authors recently used a slope-based travel rate model to update the U.S. Forest Service Ground Evacuation Time (GET) layer, which allows wildland firefighters to estimate travel time to the nearest medical facility from any location in the contiguous U.S. Campbell hopes to use STRIDE to improve GET, allowing for more accurate estimates of evacuation times. links: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-71359-6
  14. A new U.S. government report highlights mixed progress in the modernization of the Global Positioning System (GPS), citing advancements in satellite and ground equipment upgrades alongside persistent delays in some areas. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, released Sept. 9, reveals that the Space Force is grappling with technical hurdles in next-generation GPS satellites and ground systems. These challenges have eroded schedule margins, potentially pushing back the delivery of 24 M-code-capable satellites crucial for military operations through the 2030s. M-code, a more secure and jam-resistant signal, is central to the modernization efforts. The ground control segment known as OCX, while achieving some key testing milestones, still requires further evaluation before military acceptance. The projected acceptance date is now set for December 2025. The report also flags risks in the development of user equipment, including microchips and cards that process M-code signals. Although the first increment of user equipment is approaching final tests, newly discovered deficiencies threaten to disrupt the timeline. The Department of Defense is additionally working to address potential shortages of GPS chips and cards. Lockheed Martin, the prime contractor for the next-generation GPS IIIF satellites, is tackling manufacturing difficulties with a crucial component, the Linearized Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier, the report says. This component is essential for enabling a high-powered, steerable M-code signal. To mitigate these challenges, Lockheed Martin has subcontracted the construction of amplifiers from the third GPS IIIF satellite onward. The OCX program, led by Raytheon, completed a qualification test for Blocks 1 and 2 in December 2023. However, several test events remain before the system can be accepted for operational use. The related OCX Block 3F program has made progress in software development, but ongoing delays with earlier blocks have complicated efforts. This annual assessment — mandated by Congress in the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act — requires GAO to evaluate the cost, schedule, and performance of GPS acquisition programs. The report underscores the complexity and ongoing challenges in modernizing this critical global navigation infrastructure.
  15. Satellite communications company OneWeb unveiled a new positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) service amid global concerns about GPS vulnerability to jamming and interference in critical sectors such as defense, aviation and emergency services. The service, called Astra, aims to ensure uninterrupted communications for OneWeb’s satellite broadband customers, even when GPS or other global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals are unavailable or compromised. The system utilizes a software-defined outdoor receiver capable of accessing PNT signals from both GNSS and alternative PNT broadcast services such as Iridium satellites. Upon identifying an alternative PNT source, Astra generates an output signal compatible with the standard GPS L1 interface, the company said. The service offers different versions for the U.S. government and for allied governments. Kevin Steen, President and CEO of Eutelsat America Corp. and OneWeb Technologies, said Astra is a “game-changer for defense users operating in difficult environments.”
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