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    Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
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    GIS Addicted

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  1. hello, i think that would be fine and possible in arcgis, through the arcCatalog you can create a Database connections and all of your query will appear. regards,
  2. Hi, after you installed ArcGIS Server, you must added agsadm and arcgiswebservices into group administrator. or you can read on this link http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisserver/9.3.1/java/index.htm#add_usrs_agsadmin.htm Salam,
  3. Hi, in the ArcGIS Server, you can add Map directly from http://server.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/sevices... i.e NGS_Topo_US_2D. Ocean_Basemap,World_Imagery,World_Street_Map.
  4. Para Gisners, mohon pencerahannya, saya menggunakan Application Wizzard dari ArcGIS Server 10.0 untuk membuat WEBGIS, kira kira tahapannya seperti ini : - Database SQL Server 2005 - Membuat project menggunakan ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 dan membuat Direct Connection ke Database SQL Server - Disini saya membuat tematik peta join dengan table yang ada di SQL Server dan ini berhasil tampil di ArcGIS Desktop, dimana ketika saya coba merubah data di SQL Server makan attribut di ArcGIS Desktop pun berubah. - Project saya simpan dengan extension MXD (path relative) Permasalahannya ketika saya publish di ArcGIS Server sepertinya Join Table yang dilakukan di Desktop tidak terbaca. Mohon pencerahannya apakah harus ada sesuatu yang saya setting dulu di ArcGIS Server nya sebelum Publish. Salam,
  5. xsaladdaysx


    Nice Share, Kalo aku pake ArcGIS 10 untuk background bisa langsung add background secara online langsung terhubung dengan arcgis server, jadi ga usah georeference dulu..cuma masalahnya lumayan berat tergantung koneksi inet. Dan belum tau caranya kalo background tersebut mo di save jadi image yang memeliki koordinat (geoTIFF) atau apalah. Cheers
  6. nice share, Bocoran dikit nih Gross salary untuk level Assistant skitar 4,5jt s/d 6jt (Kalimantan) kalo di luar kalimantan minta lebih lah Level Asistance manager skitar 7jt s/d 9jt Manager diatas 10Jt. dapet fasilitas Mobil standarnya mitsubishi STRADA, Jatah Bensin,Jatah Pulsa Kalo di Kelapa Sawit itu ada BONUS/Tahun besarnya tergantung Kabun nya.. kalo Kebun yang baru buka paling 1-2x Basic Salary dan kalo Kebun yang udah Mature (menghasilkan) Bonusnya diatas 5xBasic salary.
  7. Nice share, so what kind of computer specification need to image processing that will be running properly.
  8. Just information or Link Back. -no advertising- Thank you so much to GIS AREA Administrator
  9. Hi all, i just wanna share information about Photogrametry Technology Imagine being able to achieve highly accurate mapping, whenever and wherever needed, even in less than favourable weather conditions (wind, light rain, cloud cover) where conventional photogrammetry may not be possible, while keeping both feet safely on the ground. All this is now available at a reasonable price. The X100 is the result of a thorough and multidisciplinary engineering process. It has been designed with two main goals in mind and with due consideration for the demanding field worker. It carries a camera payload, flies in a straight and regular scan pattern and returns to the operator in a safe and shock-free manner. It completes the job under a wide range of weather and environmental conditions. It allows for day-to-day handling and intensive use, just like any other surveying device. We conceived the X100 not merely as an unmanned aircraft, but as a comprehensive tool! Through its optimized and unparalleled aerodynamic design, cleverly engineered body structure and carefully chosen materials, the X100 meets all the requirements perfectly The X100 is aimed at users needing extremely accurate and fast results. The point cloud density and accuracy that can be obtained is comparable to LiDAR results with a planimetric accuracy (XY plane) of 5 cm and a height accuracy (Z axis) of 10 cm at default altitude. Our software also supports the import of Ground Control Points (GCPs) which results in highly accurate georeferencing. website : http://www.gatewing.com/X100
  10. Thanks for all, has anyone tried the hybridgeotools software? i though this is usefull. http://hybridgeotools.com
  11. Dear All, How to get elevation from the Google Earth,coz sometime we need to created surface from xyz data in the largest area. Regards,
  12. Hi all, when we point the location using google earth then we will get the coordinates and elevation information, but Is it possible we do to extract the elevation data? Warm regards,
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