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urbanism last won the day on November 1 2013

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    I also write in sketchup, gis and urban planning. my article are in persian, find it at:


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  1. hello the file is a little big for download. see the below pictures. i show in office 2013 and acrobat XI pro
  2. Hello in the office version 2013 you can open pdf files directly. test it.
  3. thank you I didn't notice that.
  4. ممنون از لطفتون
  5. سلام آقا یوسف شما این کتاب را توانسته اید دانلود کنید؟ پست مربوطه : http://www.gisarea.com/index.php?/topic/2126-web-gis-book/
  6. urbanism


    سلام آقا یوسف اگر شما مجموعه را در اختیار دارید از شما بگیرم. متشکر
  7. hello if i asked in a wrong topic, please move it. does gisarea have any rss feed. i need to follow new posts from my browser. thx
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