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imiltopnem last won the day on March 26

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  1. Likely spam, use a different download platform/site if this is genuine. While trying to download, it tried to install an unknown software and had to abort and cancel it.😡
  2. Thanks for the heads-up, Lurker 🙏
  3. The data is huge and covers an area of 115 km2, thanks
  4. Friend's, does anyone use or know a software or methodology where tree canopies can be extracted and a dot representing the tree placed in the canopy centre from high resolution raster images? This can be done interactively or automatically. Here is an example using R but when the data is big, it crashes and a solution could not be found. Any help to achieve a result like this would be really appreciated. Many thanks in advance Imiltopnem
  5. You can check here for five free DEM download sites. I would recommend SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission). You can download 30m resolution over your area of interest. I did one recently but resample from the site to 10m before downloading. All the best
  6. Hi Darksabersan, the links are dead, could you reactivate and perhaps upload to a different site like Mega.nz, please? thanks
  7. Hi comrades, I have been searching for a solution to deal with a problem but this is not my cup of tea so could use some help from the experts here. I am looking for software that can best deal with cross- and long-sections of river systems. Vectorworks was recommended by a friend but it involves a learning curve to master it. CAD software ( AutoCad or related) might handle that kind of task but I am not an avid user. Ideally, I would like to use temporal data of two time periods to compute the erosion and deposition along the riverbed. If anyone could kindly point me to the right software or resources, it will be fantastic. Thanks in advance
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