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Everything posted by ransara

  1. Hi oz1....that is a good option. I am trying all the options and going to find the best method. Once i finished the experiments i will write here for benefit of others.
  2. Friends, Thanks for the quick reply. Going to try each...
  3. Dear Friends, I need help to correct a DEM along the streams. When I make a DEM with Contours, generally steps are creating along the streams. This is not correct for flood plain simulations. I tried with both Triangulation and raster options. Unfortunately I can't paste a photo here. I think my point is clear. Can someone advice me how to correct this ? My study area is big and so many streams.
  4. Use "ASCII 3D to feature class" in arcgis ...
  5. Try with Global mapper...GM support many file types..then export as shp file.
  6. i tried with Erdas ....directly converted into Raster file...
  7. hi..GIS experts, What is the best and accurate method of creating a DEM with Contours and spot levels ? any detailed explanation is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  8. Dear Friends, I have to develop a Storm water utility network. I attempted from all the approaches described in different learning materials. However, I am still in trouble. Those who are expert in this regard, give a help to build a relevant geodatabase and water utility network. Thanks
  9. Use HEC GeoHMS or Archydro tools...
  10. Can anyone explain how to merge several DTM files to single one ??? using ERDAS or any other best method ??
  11. Use ArcHydro tools is another way...
  12. Arhanghelul- Thank you very much for your reply...I have installed the ecognition . At the moment I don't know about Remote sensing technology. I will try to learn. Thanks again.
  13. Could any remote sensing expert please tell me......can we perform a land use classification (e.g . building, roads, water bodies) using 3 bands(RGB) quick bird images ? Thanks..
  14. Thanks so much meodensi....this will be useful for me......
  15. meodensi I also want satellite images to find out land use information in my area. Can I use these data for it? please give more details about these data. Thanks
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