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  1. welcome to GIS Area Forum @Peeledpotato hopefully this place is growing with you here to share the knowledge you have
  2. agree with @am2 there will be an easier way to get those valuable tutorial by mirroring them into one archive in filehosting like MF,RG,UL. etc.
  3. then, this page should be stickied for a great information about needs of GIS basic hardware specification. i'm personally would bookmarked this page @rahmansunbeam , thanks for the nice info. might be sometime there will be a thread for show off the GIS User RIG's
  4. so, if it's for closed beta tester, in further, there will be available for every user? or if just stay at closed beta user / invited user? i'll be glad to try this one. with tutorial maybe? cheers. please share. thanks anyway.
  5. setelah mencoba download. terdapat beberapa file didalam 1 ekstraksi data .tar yang ber-ekstensi .DKI. dimanakah file itu dapat dibuka? sudah mencoba erdas, ermapper, dan envi tidak bisa ya.. adakah yang bisa share tutorial membuka data file nya? atau mungkin memang cara mengunduhnya yang salah
  6. anybody can help me, how to enable editing dwg data in arcgis 9.3? i've successfully export into layer, but can't editing .shp data inside it (polygon,polyline,point, etc.) because i can't use autoCADs software products. too many tools that make me confused although i have one installed on my notebook ( AutoCAD Map 2014) . but it's just for open file i'm asked about, and don't know how to do the things as i have to do at arcgis. or if there's an application/extension which could enable editing .shp inside data .dwg. let me know it. i'm glad to know that. thanks in advance.
  7. Ikut Absen ya, UNNES - FIS Geografi S1 - 2010
  8. that's awesome link. anyone know how to download that imaginaries that supported by those google, osm, esri, aster+gdm. ?
  9. i'm looking for your ideas, i have same topic for my undergraduate manuscript. it's about transportation and GIS, is there any good chance to get research about growing-up transportation against developing settlements? i need some of guidance from gisarea members about it.. thanks in advance
  10. Error 403 We're sorry, but we could not fulfill your request for / on this server. You do not have permission to access this server. Before trying again, run anti-virus and anti-spyware software and remove any viruses and spyware from your computer. Your technical support key is: 78a8-01e1-2b02-1b1f You can use this key to fix this problem yourself. If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, please contact banata.wr at gmail.com and be sure to provide the technical support key shown above. websitenya sedang down.... atau memang gak bisa diakses ya?
  11. master-master gisarea... ane boleh minta tolong yaa? ane lagi nyari arcview image analyst, spatial analyst, dan 3d Analysis untuk versi yang compatible di windows 64 bit, ane cari kemana2 ga ketemu, karena yang ane pake dulu 32 bit jalan lancar semua, berhubung baru di instal ulang ke 64 bit, jadi masih bisa pake untuk versi yg 64 bit. tapi ya itu, hanya punya yang versi portablenya saja, sedangkan ekstensi tambahan tidak bisa digunakan.. soalnya ada project apr ane yg habis dikerjakan di windows ane yang lama, terus itu pake ekstensi ketiganya itu, nah mau dibuka projectnya, ga bisa. karena menanyakan ekstensi tambahan dari ketiga itu, dan modelnya kan instalan tuh,, jadi ga bisa copas langsung kaya extensi2 yang kecil... jadi mohon dibantu ya mastah... lagi penting banget soalnya... maklum masih dalam tahap belajar dasar.. belum ke arah arc gis. mohon bimbingannya ya. terimakasih banyak sebelumnya.. nb: sebenernya mau dimasukin ke dalam thread request, tapi susah nyusun kalimatnya secara internasional. takut malah miss komunikasi.. kalo ada salah kata. mohon dimaafkan yaa.. regards
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