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mshakir last won the day on September 7 2013

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  1. I switched to mac and now want to install arc gis and envi 5.1 on my mac system. If anybody can guide in this regard will be highly appreciated.
  2. Hi everyone, I want to know that what is the strategy to extract a single layer from a classified TIFF file which have 5 to 10 classes but i want to extract each one as a single shapefile or tiff file.?
  3. Hi everyone, I am working on a classification scheme for the US state of Kansas for 6 years. but the region has different climate from east to west influencing on vegetation and crops in this reference i want to know how can i apply my methodology to get the reasonable results? Thanks in advance
  4. First of all i would say sorry to all the colleagues, maybe you find my topic irrelevant to GIS, I want to know can we use MODIS land surface temperature in wetland studies? My question in more concentrated form will be can modis satellite product LST give us the exact LST of the area which are submerged under water?
  5. Hi everyone, I am doing an analysis for suitable school site selection now i am in the final stage, i have reclassified layers of , roads, settlements, water channels, slope, already existed schools, and my landuse map, Now i want to give them a proper weightage and % of influence in the final site selection, could anyone help me how to give the above layers a proper % in the final step. Thanks in advance
  6. Hi everyone i am going to start my new work on the topic above, i have read some papers but still confusion is there, i am not clear about my methodology so anyone can help me in this regard. Thanks in advance
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