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Everything posted by Amit

  1. Hi all, want your help. I am working on a project where I would like to have a seamless natural color imagery of entire globe at 15m resolution. I do not have the expertise to convert individual Landsat scenes to a proper color balanced mosaic. So, as an alternative I am trying to convert the already available Landsat Geocover global seamless imagery from NASA. This dataset has been created from Landsat EMT+ imagery from circa 2000 to 2003. Below is a description this product: http://www.glcf.umd.edu/library/guide/techguide_geocover.pdf The problem is this data-set uses band combination of 742, instead of normal natural color band combination of 432. This was done to minimize the haze. But 742 band combination results in purple looking cities and a florescent green. I would like to achive a proper natural color as has been used in various mapping portals such as Bing maps. When you see imagery in Bing maps at country level you are basically looking at imagery converted from Landsat Geocover imagery using band mathematics only. This document from Earthsat describes this process, but they have not given much technical detail on how they do it:http://www.earthsat.com/HTML/naturalvue/naturalvue_packet_2.pdf
  2. There might be a problem with datum transformation. You might want to recheck whether you converted shape to kml correctly
  3. Hi I need to convert 2D to 3D Polyline by specifying Start/End Elevations. The intermediate points should get automatically calculated. Carlson software has exactly the same utility, but I do not have this software. I have ArcGIS, AutoCAD, MapInfo. Below is the link to the functionality I want: http://files.carlsonsw.com/mirror/manuals/Takeoff_R1/online/source/Elevate/2D_to_3D_Polyline_by_StartEnd_Elevations/2D_to_3D_Polyline_by_StartEnd_Elevations.htm Would appreciate any help. A
  4. Hi Guys I am on a sticky wicket here. Can anyone suggest most precise method of converting coordinates from ED 1950 to WGS 84? One example coordinate is: N 749813 E 4559280 EL 1089.98 Above coordinates are in UTM Zone 37N ED 1950. EL is the elevation of the point with reference to WGS84(yes WGS84) ellipsoid. How do I convert this information to WGS 84 ellipsoid? I have tried ArcGIS, Global Mapper. Results do not match. FYI these coordinates fall in Turkey. Any help is appreciated.
  5. It is a very simple process using ERDAS(any version). Go to Mosaic Tool >Edit>Output Options>Method>Polygon Vector File Specify the shapefile to be used for clipping. If you have output filenames as attribute in the shapefile it will rename the output accordingly. I don't know why you want to stick to ArcGIS for raster processing. It is not really made for it. Happy Clipping..
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