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Everything posted by gisadept

  1. Read my mind... The industry thinks research institutions are golden donkies. Yes, most of them are primarily subsidized by public authorities. No, I don't pay taxes to support the purchase of 1 module of several k $ for a few researchers using it 50 days in a year. A simplified sketch, but current policies of these companies just force one to do some naughty things...
  2. Hello sanzida, If I want to do analyses of that kind, I rather avoid ArcGIS and alike. I like to have full control on the analysis. To say: in a statistical package you mostly are able to tune the calibration of estimation process. You mentioned SPSS, I don't have any experience with; only with SAS. But in fact that doesn't matter. The clue is to export your raster data to a ASCII file (e.g.: .txt). If all thematic maps have the same extent, and the same spatial resolution, you're of to start. Do the export (please Google it, it's always interesting to learn by yourself) in only one program, so you are sure the export is done systematically in the same way. Why is that important? If the sequence of raster cells is equal, every nthline/record/value in yhe ASCII file will correspond to exactly the same raster cell. So your data files are spatially coherent. When the export is done, just import the ASCII files into your statistical software package (they are tables now, like 3dbu already mentioned) and there you go! Good luck!
  3. I totally agree with Arhanghelul. I couldn't have said it better eCognition is from what I hear indeed the best or most advanced software to do a object-based classification. OB classification makes use of contextual information extracted from the objects determined on spectral similarities. Some years ago I performed such a classification with Spring, which is free Brazilian software. Lurker did point us to the software already 3 years ago (time flies): http://www.gisarea.com/index.php?/topic/119-spring-gis-513/page__hl__spring Current version is 5.2. Good luck!
  4. Or: car accident? Sue Apple @Lurker: it's idd a weird thing to release such mess, certainly if you are Apple
  5. In a few topics some of us discussed about the utility and possible future of tablets. Therefore, it might be interesting just to know there are specific products that can be used in the (GIS-)field. It's already a year old. More information: click. If you wanna go hard: click harder.
  6. Is it possible to show the shoutbox only on the home page, and not on every page when browsing on the forum? Regards, gisadept
  7. Mm, good question. I searched, but did not immediately found data or measurement sheets. The links below, though, might interest you: http://ceeserver.cee.cornell.edu/wdp2/cee6100/6100_monograph/mono_04_F12_atmosphere.pdf http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/library/coursefiles/03_abs_emiss_ref.pdf http://stlab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~wataru/lecture/rsgis/rsnote/cp1/cp1-11.htm But with specific regard to your question: what you can do is export your own graph as a transparent figure (or afterwards processed by removing white and leaving it transparent) and then in Photoshop/GIMP/Paint.net/... create an overlay of the images by manually scaling and fitting.
  8. Haha, so right. Recently I got worried about you... no licking rahmansunbeam anymore?!
  9. Here you can find links to how to create your own styles by means of an interactive tool and a follow-up for use in ArcGIS. Enjoy!
  10. Artur_Indio, I came on this webpage. It seemed that they started with the conversion of these blurry txt files into gml and shape. Below you can download a converter tool. Maybe you should try this?
  11. Did you already try the new outlook.com service? Even slickier I must say I like Microsoft's new simple style. I have no experience with the Metro interface yet, but I'll guess that will be OK. However, the tablet vision invasion in current OSs is not my thing.
  12. Arhanghelul, I don't know this makes part of your literature review, but it might be useful: http://naldc.nal.usda.gov/download/38199/PDF
  13. Because GIS people also tell jokes in the form of maps...
  14. Arhanghelul, It's exactly like Team_Evil said: if it's not a geopdf, nor a pdf version that keeps some editing properties (like Photoschop and probably many others), than you can forget a straight conversion to vector features. And agian confirming Team_Evil: if it's just a 'normal' pdf, you will have to save it as an image, georeference it an then import it in a GIS to convert it from raster to vector. You are correct about the .jpeg issue. Indeed, if you want to retain as much information as possible: NEVER jpeg. As you already mentioned, .tiff is certainly a good format. But: you must also consider the original quality of the pdf. If you zoom in, are pixel transitions discrete or are they blurred (due to image compression)? If you Google 'pdf to tiff', a bunch of results appear. Many are free tools (desktop or online). You should try them. If you succeed in doing this, I hope you have a georeferenced basemap of good quality, because otherwise the finally resulting GIS layer is not very useful. But I guess you know that Good luck!
  15. Most of you will already know about it, nevertheless, more information on Landsat's new child can you find here: http://ldcm.nasa.gov/ For a preview you can take a look in this brochure: http://ldcm.nasa.gov/docs/LDCM2010_4web.pdf Long live Landsat 8!
  16. gisadept

    PDF 3D

    The ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension should do what you're searching for: http://www.esri.com/~/media/Files/Pdfs/library/fliers/pdfs/data-interop-formats.pdf
  17. Admins and members, Some contributions are very valuable, especially in terms of shared knowledge or insights. But as the amount of topics increases, some of these treasures might got lost in the forest. That's why I thought at adding the functionality (as far this is possible of course) to show your appreciation for a topic (or even an answer?) by upvoting it, or, in Facebooj terminology, liking it. Many of us will instantly think at stackoverflow or alike, well, that's indeed what I'd like to see. Or: it would be a nice if it was here also :tongue: You can say there's allready an indirect measure for how popular a topic when it's positioned at top of the content of a (sub)forum, but not eveyone who could make use of or was helped by the topic's content posts a comment. What do you think? Cheers!
  18. If you click on that red icon, a pop-up window appears, normally stating the cause of the error or at least an error ID. Put this information into Google and then you might find what the problem is.
  19. ENVI must understand the syntax of the output text file of See5, but I'm 99,9% certain this won't be the case. What you can do (as I'm thinking of right now): - write an IDL script (with See5 rules) that can be read by ENVI - write some code (with See5 rules) in Matlab - write some code (with See5 rules) in Python - ...
  20. this is a legitimate link? please don't post something that not official, IMHO You can also try this one: [hide] https://lastpass.com/linkedin/ [/hide]
  21. If you want to use Google Maps, I see no other way than digitize the roofs in your study area. I never used that services, but in ArcGIS you can load layers from webservers, in ERDAS you can connect to Bing Maps. It then boils down to draw polygons over areas of which you think these are roofs. NOTE I don't know what architectural style the houses in the study area fit in, but consider the fact that not all roofs are flat. If there are slanted roofs, the actual roof area will be higher. You measure the projected roof area. You can define it as a minimum solar panel potential.
  22. Exactly. "You stupid bought a 36MP DSLR, but I can call with a camera of even 41MP!" ...
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