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  1. CityEngine 2018.1 Release https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/city-engine/3d-gis/cityengine-2018-1-release-highlights/?adumkts=product&adupro=Esri_CityEngine&aduc=email&adum=list&utm_Source=email&aduca=CityEngine&adusn=multiple&aduat=newsletter&adupt=community&adut=244278_cityengine_newsletter_oct_2018
  2. vapgis

    OWA in GIS

    Please see the articles https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/430a/bee7f2653402e26902a1c6f8ad8934b03589.pdf , for ArcGIS http://www.ccis2k.org/iajit/PDF/vol.10%2Cno.3/10-4234.pdf https://gis.e-education.psu.edu/sites/default/files/capstone/Ward_596B_20170401.pdf
  3. Details geological-geophysical aspects of groundwater treatment Discusses regulatory legislations regarding groundwater utilization Serves as a reference material for scientists in geology, geophysics and environmental studies
  4. Please find the article in attached. 1)Wind farms suitability location using geographical information system (GIS), based on multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods: The case of continental Ecuador (4.3 MB) https://mega.nz/#!jVtWTYLa Pass: !pBG9Fb64Dzx4zI5sRCy89_7WMOTBjBSBCmwiNa2WBhY 2) GIS-BASED METHOD FOR WIND FARM LOCATION MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS (777 KB) https://mega.nz/#!OM90VabQ Pass: !rfcMPT9F8WF2U-IPDh5BS972Sjq4Rtbm2PhVXevg2MA 3) GIS based approach for suitable Site Selection of Wind Farms in North-East India. (442 KB) https://mega.nz/#!KMsUWAhJ Pass: !uUmegHxayq0XNrseEZERwFGdr_dCU1CYjrhofsEYr0s This volume is a comprehensive guide to the use of geographic information systems (GIS) for the spatial analysis of supply and demand for energy in the global and local scale. It gathers the latest research and techniques in GIS for spatial and temporal analysis of energy systems, mapping of energy from fossil fuels, optimization of renewable energy sources, optimized deployment of existing power sources, and assessment of environmental impact of all of the above. Author Lubos Matejicek covers GIS for assessment a wide variety of energy sources, including fossil fuels, hydropower, wind power, solar energy, biomass energy, and nuclear power as well as the use of batteries and accumulators. The author also utilizes case studies to illustrate advanced techniques such as multicriteria analysis, environmental modeling for prediction of energy consumption, and the use of mobile computing and multimedia tools. Assessment of Energy Sources Using GIS-Springer (2017).pdf (34.4 MB) https://mega.nz/#!idk0zSJQ Pass: !86sM22doO6CVhwn1gbUnGiwa_dZn1DVfAX6zSD09Ur4
  5. Hi Adnan, Please see the Steps https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ge7ycgtho3idntk/AACXemfCHX7OH-79erTf1F6fa
  6. i'm using ArcGIS 10.2.2 (This Version is Already updated in the Coordinate Parameters) and same steps. (Using Palestine_1923_To_WGS_1984_1 in Transformations.) Data files are attached in https://www.dropbox.com/s/5cu69pdwhj1giow/adnan0001.rar , Please Let me know your comments. Will be provide step by step Directions.
  7. i explained single path (shp to kml) you can be apply same in kml to shp (WGS 1984 to palestine 1923)
  8. Please follow this instruction ( your Transformation Parameter is incorrect ) 1. you can digitize shp and using palestine 1923 ( Or can be use Define Projection in Arc Toolboks>Data Management Tools>Projection and Transformations>Define Projection) 2.Insert New Data Frame after going to Data frame Properties>Coordinate System and Select WGS 1984 3.can be Dragging from shp layer to the 'New Data Frame' 4. 'Geographic Coordinate Systems Warning' Display in Screen. 5.Select Transformations... Button in Warning Screen 6. 'Geographic Coordinate System Transformations' window is display, and already filling the information in 'Convert from' and 'into' coordinate, you can see the Drop down arrow in 'Using' tab. Finally can be select 'Palestne_1923_Yo_WGS_1984' and click OK 7.Go to Layer to KML in Arc Toolbox>Conversion Tools>To KML (Please use scale 1:1000) 8.You can make KML and drag to Google earth.
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