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rahmat97 last won the day on February 17 2021

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    Kandangan HSS Kalsel
  • Interests
    Mapping and Drone

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  1. would you please reactive my account..i have some work related to GIS..thanks
  2. Finally..i have a solution for this problem..still i don't know why..after uninstall and downgrade to arcgis v.10..i can generate directions for my route..but i think this is not a good choice After uninstall and install arcgis 10 and 10.1 several time, my conclusion "arcgis 10.1 sp 1" that made me cannot generate directions for route in my network analysis.
  3. thank you for respond..the network generate in the same GIS version and PC, i have remove, add network and rebuild network several time, but nothing works..i have try some solution from http://forums.esri.com/Thread.asp?c=93&f=1796&t=138571&g=1 and http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisdesktop/10.0/help/index.html#//00vs00000004030020.htm but still have the same problem. do i need to attach my mxd project?
  4. I'm trying to build a route and get directions for a simple network. On my network dataset I can generate the route no problem, but I get an error message when I try to view the directions window : DirectionsUI Failed to generate directions. I have search online and arcgis forum too..but nothing works. ps : work on windows 8 pro with arcgis 10.1 sp1
  5. i have wonder too..if any one have the medicine?
  6. Nice info bro..ntar agustus terbit tuh edisi mudik..
  7. Cek website bakosurtanal atau lapan aja bro.
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