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  1. Pedro

    Cluster polygons

    How can i cluster polygons using python?
  2. Hello everyone, I'm Brazilian and I'm translating via Google, sorry for any writing errors. Well, I would like to know alternatives to QGis' "ATLAS". I currently use Qgis and load 1 map on the left and another on the right. I also plot some information from some columns in the attribute table. However, when I have many images, assuming there are 1000 on the left side and 1000 on the right side, my Qgis becomes extremely slow. I also use my own .png images to style my reports. Note: all the reports I generate are formatted as ".pdf" I'm looking for libraries in Python, which will allow me to create a kind of atlas that I use in Qgis, could you help me please? Report layout example: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (my_logo.png) ///////////////////// ////////////////////////// (L MAP1 MAP2 O G 2020 RASTER.TIF 2024 RASTER.TIF O /////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// .pgn) {attribute table information field} {attribute table information field} {attribute table information field} {attribute table information field} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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