thank you 3dbu..this solution is better bus I find this extention for ArcGIS ..It is very powerfull..
Hawth's Analysis Tools for ArcGIS..
link for download :
best regards for you
Thank you 3dbu..but I want this operation in a RS ENVI or ERDAS..
this soloution that you tell not correct..I want extract points aoutomaticaly to a text file ..
one column Latitude , one column Longitude and one column Digital numbers of points..
do you undrestand dear?
Hello frinds..
I want a regullar sampling in an sattelie image like band 6 of landsta ETM..
in this sampling I want extract Latitud and Longitud and DNs to a text file.for example 100 point.
but I want this point have same distances.(1000 meters) and automaticaly extracting.
I want working this file in ARCGIS..
Anybody can help me ? please
thanks for all