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  1. Dear Sir/Madam, On 24th-25th, August, 2017, GIS Technology Conference 2017 will be held in China National Convention Center, Beijing, China. The conference is themed as 'Geo-intelligence, Driven by Data’, focusing on the technological development and revolution of GIS software, exploring advanced technology applications on various industries. It is estimated over 3,000 industrial leaders, government officials, experts, colleagues, users and researchers would participate in this conference. The GIS industry current situation, GIS software development history, cutting-edge GIS technologies and typical applications in different industries will be introduced and discussed. The conference is held by: China Association for Geographic Information Society China Society for Surveying Mapping and Geoinformation China Software Industry Association Institute of GeographicSciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS The Geographical Society of China SuperMap Group. GIS Technology Conference 2017 Committee June, 2017 Click here to register https://www.supermap.com/events/gtc2017/shenqing_en.asp
  2. Download the latest SuperMap GIS products (with 3 month trial) http://www.supermap.com/en/html/SuperMap_GIS_ProductPackages.html Also you can check the tutorials of iDesktop 8C: http://www.supermap.com/en/html/SuperMap_GIS_OnlineVideo.html
  3. The earthquakes keep happening around the world. The 7-magnitude earthquakes hit Afghanistan, Burma, Japan, Ecuador, bringing serious damage to those countries. How can we improve the rescue ability and control the damage after the earthquake? SuperMap iMobile platform has been widely used in earthquake relief with its 6 professional GIS functions. 1. Integration of online and offline maps: Combination of multi-source maps The strong earthquakes can disconnect communication network and therefore, which makes online maps unavailable. SuperMap iMobile can access online maps and offline maps stored on the local devices, which depends less on internet, bringing users more smooth experience. In addition, when using offline maps, the types of vector, image and tile data can be chosen. 2. Data collection: Acquire first-hand disaster information Quickly acquiring information after earthquake can provide vital basis for decision- making process. SuperMap iMobile provides collection method of ‘Location+Sheet+Multimedia’, which makes on-site data collection more accurate, forward and stereoscopic. The location information can be acquired by satellites or hand drawing, which supports geometry like point, line and polygon. The multimedia data can be collected by audio, picture and video. 3. BeiDou (Compass) short messages: Connection to the earthquake area The strong earthquakes always lead to disconnection of power and communication, the earthquake area will be isolated with the outside world. SuperMap iMobile supports BeiDou short message. In the situations of disconnection of communication and power, the BeiDou short message can be used to communicate. In the WenChuan earthquake in 2008, the rescue team used BeiDou short message to communicate and provide disaster information for headquarter. 4. Interconnection: Flexible dispatch In the earthquake rescue, headquarters need to distribute rescue missions to rescue teams and team members need to share data. SuperMap iMobile uses message bus technology, realizing multi-terminal collaboration and data distribution, acquiring data from multiple mobile terminals, which greatly improved efficiency. 5. Status labeling: Clearer command A clearer mission description can improve rescue efficiency. SuperMap iMobile provides rich line, fill symbols, combining with drawing, doodling functions, allowing command information being expressed quickly and forwardly. 6. Full GIS functions: Essential support for disaster rescue SuperMap iMobile provides full GIS functions, specifically including: map operations, map measurement, data collection, map editing, spatial analysis, information query, trace collection. Original source (copyright acquired): http://www.supermap.com/en/html/SuperMap_GIS_news284.html
  4. In August, 2016, Microsoft announced transferring a powerful developing tool – Powershell to the systems like Linux. This is not the first time Microsoft leaning on Linux. In the beginning of this year, Microsoft published SQL Server for Linux. In March, Microsoft announced that it will publish database management software – Linux SQL Server. Just as Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, said, ‘Microsoft loves Linux.’ B/S (Brower/Server) has become the new trend for software mode. SuperMap GIS choose B/S mode, which requires transferring GIS functionalities on PC terminal to server terminal. The operation system on PC terminal is monopolized by Windows. But the server terminal market is divided by Windows, Unix, Linux. In this situation, GIS only supporting Windows is not clearly sufficient, supporting cross-platform is urgent. Cloud calculation also needs cross-platform technology. There are cloud technologies based on Windows, like Microsoft Azure and Amazon web services. But there are more cloud calculation platforms based on Unix or Linux, like IBM, Red Hat, and Google. Therefore, in the construction of cloud calculation, the GIS platform has to support multiple operation systems. Since 2001, SuperMap GIS officially initialized cross-platform technology plan, which is based on standard C++ to reconstruct GIS functionality core, to rewrite all the GIS platform codes. This plan costs a lot but has the best cost performance. Since the initialization of the plan in 2001, the first version C++ core has been released in 2005. After more than 10 years’ efforts, SuperMap now has a full package of cross-platform SuperMap GIS series, not only supporting Windows, but also supporting operations systems like Linux and Unix, providing GIS platform support for high-end users and large-scale calculation users. Got the Copyright from the author Source: http://www.supermap.com/en/html/SuperMap_GIS_news292.html
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