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Everything posted by brownie

  1. 👋Hello! It's been a minute or two since I was last here. Keen to see what I have missed.
  2. @EmperoR Here's the JS error from Firefox, it has a bit more info than IE and Chrome. TypeError: ipb.textEditor.getEditor("edit-" + postid) is undefined There are a bit of buttons that don't work (couldn't quote your post), so I figure there must be some JS that's being blocked at my end.
  3. Also had problems trying to edit a post. Looked like a JS object error.
  4. I didn't have any complaints about the old design and I don't have any complaints about the new design, but I would like to thank the admins and mods for all the hard work they put into this forum. However... I have noticed errors with page loading. I can normally fix it by hitting the refresh button a few times. Also, some post seem to get lost - I click the 'Post' button and nothing happens. I get this behaviour on IE9 and the latest Chrome. The site actually looks better in IE9!I'm not sure what the cause of this problem is. It roughly coincides with a firewall upgrade, but this seems to be the only site affected. And where is the RSS feed?
  5. That looks like a great site - they offer some courses our local distributor doesn't. Also noticed this... [hide] http://geochalkboard.wordpress.com/2011/04/11/new-chapter-from-upcoming-book-on-arcgis-server-api-for-javascript/ [/hide] Might be useful for some using ESRI's JavaScript API. This is probably a bit off-topic, but has anyone seen any discussion about the new ESRI certifications? I'm thinking about taking one, but I haven't seen any of the usual practice tests from TestKing et al.
  6. Lurker posted this a while back. Hope it helps. [hide]http://gisarea.com/tutorial/technical-guide-datum-and-coordinate-system-(indonesia-only)/[/hide]
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