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Everything posted by suopnos

  1. halo teman-teman gisarea indonesia kebetulan saya sedang mengolah data ALOS PRISM untuk tutupan lahan kota semarang. disini saya menggunakan software Erdas Imagine 2014, saya agak menemui kesulitan dalam prosesnya & semoga diantara teman2 disini bisa membantu memberikan masukan. "apakah tiap kita membuat signature untuk satu nama kelas harus dengan satu area of interest (AOI)? apakah bisa membuat satu kelas dengan banyak AOI? karena dari pengolahan data saya, tiap satu nama kelas harus satu AOI dan hasil supervisednya berantakan." terimakasih
  2. thanks for replay.. next from what menu I have to choose to make DEM from PRISM in ERDAS IMAGINE? It just mentioned only SAR file can be extracted.
  3. Hello, I'm trying to create DEM from PRISM image, I try to use ENVI but I do not know how it works. as far I know, DEM can be extracted from PRISM by min two pairs of image (nadir & backward, nadir & forward, etc.). How do we know type of PRISM whether its nadir image or backward image? is anyone have tried to create DEM from PRISM? I appreciate all of you who can help. Thanks
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