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jack_stepeny last won the day on May 7 2019

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About jack_stepeny

  • Birthday 03/05/1984

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    time-series, visualization, R programming, Python

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  1. means how many GB/TB and what is your PC's configuration???
  2. nice compilation... very informative....
  3. if you need full solution kindly post or PM me whatever coding you have done. you can follow steps in the link below to generate random points using arcpy... http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/tool-reference/data-management/create-random-points.htm this is the link for creating buffer using arcpy.... http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/10.3/tools/analysis-toolbox/buffer.htm the output shapefile of the random point will be the input file for buffer generation...
  4. can you explain a little bit more. I am proposing a simple solution for this problem which does not involve Arcpy to generate random polygons in ArcGIS. first, generate random points using Create Random Points tool and then generate buffer around these points using Buffer tool.
  5. Feel free to contact me if u encounter any problem during running the script.
  6. Here is code.. Before executing this code make sure raster library is installed in R library(raster) #setting working directory(folder path containing all rasters) setwd("G:\\new_gl_data\\4har") #listing all raster in a folder rlist=list.files(getwd(), pattern=".tif$", full.names=F) #change year here (2001:2015) for (yr in 2001:2015){ nlist = rlist[grep(yr,rlist)] stack_ras = stack(nlist) sum_ras = sum(stack_ras) sum_brk = brick(sum_ras) writeRaster(sum_brk, filename=paste("prc_",yr,sep=""), format="HFA",overwrite=TRUE) rm() gc() }
  7. If the extent of all rasters are same.. it can be done easily. 1. List all rasters in a folder 2. Loop through list to select rasters from particular year. ( It can be done by matching the year with the name of raster. As u have mentioned name include year) 3. Then sum of all the raster can be done. If u r comfortable with R I can share code that I have already written to accomplish this task.
  8. U have all the raster in same folder??? Is there any number in the raster names that can be used to identify raster which belongs to Jan which belongs to dec etc. Like MODIS follows naming convention and we can easily identify the which raster belongs to which months.. Please provide more details so that I can help you.
  9. Actually I want to use R STL (Seasonal Trend Decomposition by LOESS) function on each pixel of MODIS Time Series. Currently I am able to run STL on single pixel value which is being read from a csv file. I don't know how to loop over each pixel and get the output in three rasters say raster 1 for trend, raster 2 for seasonal component and raster 3 for remainder. Any help in this regard will be appreciated
  10. If somebody knows how to generate orthophoto from stereopair in ERDAS LPS please post step by step tutorial here. I will be highly obliged for the help.
  11. Please some help in creting Bare Earth DEM from stereopair. When I am creating DEM using stereopair it include the height of buildings and trees. I want to create DEM without trees and buildings heights.
  12. I have created a NDVI image from LANDSAT TM data in erdas. Now I want to create a Layout for the NDVI image as well as need to reclassify the NDVI image in ArcGIS using Natural Breakings. My problem is that when I opt for the option No Color for the Background it also remove the 0 values from the NDVI image. I simply want to remove 0 background values and keep the 0 values from the NDVI image. Please suggest how to do that.
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