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Everything posted by Mirza

  1. Open and edit ESRI shapefiles .shp and .dbf attributes in BabaCAD using this powerful GIS extension for BabaCAD. Use TableView with excel-like filter and ZoomTo/Highlight features to quickly navigate through spahes in workspace. Easy to use, save shapes to dxf files. Arrange features using layers. Download free at http://www.babacad.com/bem
  2. If someone wants to run Oracle Spatial Editor extension, must download BabaCAD 1.3.2 beta from http://www.babacad.com/bem BabaCAD 1.3 from http://www.babacad.com/jhwwa12kqwuoo5kappmwu318hoyjeomnq.html will not work for beta extension modules (Lisp 1.0.2, Cloud 1.2, OracleSpatial 1.0)
  3. Hi, Oracle Spatial AddOn Lite for BabaCAD freeware CAD is released and available for download. All members of this forum can also get Pro version (full Oracle Spatial editor in BabaCAD) for free (starting now to March-2015). Member who wants to get Pro version has to reply to this thread and post one screenshot image of BabaCAD running Spatial AddOn with a part of his spatial data and min. one attribute data (attribute data is any non-SDO_GEOMETRY column in Oracle spatial table and must be visible in "Extension Data" of BabaCAD Properties Window). Example of screenshot can be seen at babacad.com/gis official site. BabaCAD is windows (all versions) desktop application and it's first true free CAD software with DXF/DWG support, LISP, API programming (no registration, no nags, no spams....). BabaCAD has some GIS features also. Users can insert geo-referenced TIFF/TFW, JPG, BMP raster images. Split parcels to equal parts (AREASPLIT command). BabaCAD with Oracle Spatial AddOn Lite is free Oracle Spatial viewer, and Pro version is Oracle Spatial Editor (available for purchase from authorized dealers only, starting Feb-2015). Users can edit geometries and attribute data in precise CAD environment. What's most interesting about this software? BabaCAD is free, no registration required, 3Mb size, fast (startup time < 1s). Oracle Spatial AddOn Lite is free, 0.5 Mb size, faster than any commercial Oracle Spatial enabled GIS software.
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