GRASS GIS was, for a long time, something I dismissed as ‘too complex’ for my everyday geospatial operations. I formulated any number of excuses to work around the software and could not be convinced it had practical use in my daily work. It was ‘too hard to set-up’, ‘never worked well with QGIS’, and ‘made my scripting processes a nightmare’.
In this example we will:
part 1:
1. Download a small piece of elevation data from the LINZ Data Service
2. Build a GRASS environment to process these data
3. Build a BASH script to process the catchments
4. Import the elevation into the GRASS environment
5. Perform some basic GRASS operations (fill and watershed)
6. Export raster format for viewing
7. Export the vector catchments to shapefile
part 2:
1. Creating multiple watershed boundaries of different sizes with GRASS and using a basic loop in BASH for the process.
2. Clipping the original raster by the watershed boundaries using GDAL and SQL with a basic loop in BASH.
part 1:
part 2:
source code: