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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2018 in Posts

  1. Styler is a new ArcGIS configurable application that can be used to easily create, style and share modern 2D and 3D map apps. Using simple styler parameters you can customize everything from the title, menus and text, to the overall color, theme and layout. The app is hosted on ArcGIS Online and GitHub so you can 1) style maps on-the-fly just by adding URL parameters or 2) if you have an existing web map or web scene, you can style (more advanced) apps step-by-step by configuring them with the new Styler template. Once styled, share your app at any time just by sharing the URL - no programming required. Styler is built with the new ArcGIS API for JavaScript v4, Calcite Maps and Bootstrap. The application is fully responsive and supports many features of the new JavaScript v4 API such as loading 2D web maps and 3D web scenes, displaying image and vector tile basemaps, showing legend and layers, positioning widgets on the view, and searching and finding places. The app can be accessed in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise or downloaded and hosted locally. How to style and share a map Open the default 2D map or 3D scene and zoom to or search for a place. e.g. "New York City" https://esri.github.io/calcite-maps-styler-template/index.html?webmap=default https://esri.github.io/calcite-maps-styler-template/index.html?webscene=default Click the Main Menu > Share, add URL style parameters and hit Enter to style your map. e.g. https://esri.github.io/calcite-maps-styler-template/index.html?webmap=default &title=New York City at Night &bgcolor=dark-blue &basemap=streets-night-vector &lat=40.72461 &lon=-73.99893 &zoom=12 Now copy and paste the URL to share your map with others. https://github.com/Esri/calcite-maps-styler-template
    1 point
  2. Hi upay82 Thank you very much for the technique to solve the problem. I have done it!!!! Thanks alot upay82
    1 point
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