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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2017 in all areas

  1. Thanks Lurker!. I don'y want to sound unpoilte. Sorry if my english limited me in that way pasfan01. The key is that the soft, it's an implementation of some tehoretical algorithm. Sometimes, we coud use or adapt that algorithm for a different prupose, but sometimes... is usefull. Knowing the photogrammetric tehory, I advise that using Agisodt for pushbroom (or barridors like Landsat TM and ETM) CAN'T perform fine. Usually in remote sensig DTM there is not not an inmediate risk for the user, But this sound to me like some one using an enginieering software designed for bridges structural analysys, trying to calculate the dome of a stadium, What I mean with "Can' perform fine"?? I state that the deliverable that you can obtain with cartosat-1 and Agisoft, will be less accurate that any ASTER DTM, OR SRTM (Ok SRTM data was taled in 2000, but Aster is still operative) I'd out of spatial imgining for a couple of years, so I don't know what images are available today. Art PS: If any one want an explanation about why the movement of the camera (180km) is relevant, I can explain that
    1 point
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