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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2016 in all areas

  1. yes it is possible, as long as There is a proper overlap (approximately 80% frontal overlap and 60% side overlap). It is possible to describe the camera in terms of position (latitude/longitude/altitude) and parameters (sensor size, pixel resolution, focal length). The position mentioned in this prequisities cant be interpreted as georeference information, but the sensor position, which is usually stored in the imagery metadata
    2 points
  2. I think that soon could consider using Sentinel 3 Greetings,
    1 point
  3. Deepgis, I don't think tou could perform that in Agisoft. (sorry pasfans01, but I'm disagree with you) Cartosat-1 is a pushbroom system, not a framed one. That means the camera scan the ground track line by line continuosly, as spatial vehicle move foward in orbit. So, in order to achive results you need camara position for each scan line, more than 10.000 per scene, that means more than 20.000 cameras for agisoft (you need 2 scenes) Besides agisoft search for tie points usin images patchs, and you only could get part of a single line as a patch. Even if (with a miracle) you could make the software go, I don't think you could get any acceptable results, even with very low resolution Use PCI, ENVI or Erdas. lot less painfull, lot better results and the most important: proved solution Art
    1 point
  4. Dear Lurker, this is the latest version of this software : LP360 evaluation v1.76.7 [101.6 Mb] hXYp://qcoherent.com/msi/tX9m/LP360forArcGIS_v2015.1.76.7.msi
    1 point
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