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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2013 in all areas

  1. Copy cloud services now has a special free give away for online storage. You get 15 GB for free, + 5GB for each referral. What makes Copy different from most other cloud services (such as Skydrive and Dropbox) is that it has no limitation on file size. So perhaps it is interesting for remote sensing purposes/syncing of smaller projects, since those images can sometimes be too large to be accepted by other services. Also the pricing is attractive, if you are into that (group users etc.) See the link below: https://copy.com?r=AMB6mp
    2 points
  2. Hello, from wiki : Detail : Company / developer Mozilla Corporation Programmed in HTML, CSS, Javascript,[1] C++ Supported platforms ARM Kernel type Monolithic (Linux kernel) Default user interface Graphical Official website http://www.mozilla.org/firefoxos/ Mozilla has finally launched an operating system for smartphones, one whose ascendancy will probably be a slow burn, but could also mark big changes in the way people interact with mobile devices — by ditching a closed “ecosystem.” Firefox OS for mobile phones is not a walled garden like Apple‘s iOs, Windows Phone or (to an extent) Android. It is based on the open web, which means interacting with many of its HTML5-based apps will be like visiting websites through a browser, opening temporarily as apps, and closing. The phone, in essence, is a browser. Mozilla says Firefox phones will be the world’s first “open web devices.” source : wiki and forbes sites
    2 points
  3. Hy, i want to know the best grapfic station in world for all gis software..if somebody have a clue.We have money---just need to buy Cheers
    2 points
  4. Winamp, the storied MP3 player bought by AOL in June 1999 for over $80 million, is set to shut down in exactly one month. According to a post that went live Wednesday at 12:00 pm Eastern Time on the Winamp website: "Winamp.com and associated Web services will no longer be available past December 20, 2013. Additionally, Winamp Media players will no longer be available for download. Please download the latest version before that date. See release notes for latest improvements to this last release. Thanks for supporting the Winamp community for over 15 years." On Wednesday, Ars confirmed the announcement with Geno Yoham, Winamp’s general director since October 2008. He declined immediate comment but said that he would try to arrange a future interview. R.I.P Winamp source : http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/195168-aol-shuts-down-winamp-for-good/ credit logo DocBob1939
    1 point
  5. i use version 2.95, very fast and classic the only music player i use
    1 point
  6. Hello all, I recently applied for a GIS tech position and got a response saying that on a certain day and time I will receive a technical exam that should be completed within 1 hour and sent back to that company. If the exam is sucesfull i then will have to pass a competency questions some other day and finally an in person interview. So my question is has anyone had something similar before where a company emails you technical exam? what should i expect? Would it be cloud based or am i expected to have the software installed on my machine? Thanks, any information would be helpful. MadTab
    1 point
  7. The Harvard professor is back ! The explosive journeys continue ! For the people who love mysteries and puzzles of unknown ancient civilizations, here comes an all new installment from the famous American writer Dan Brown. Amazon writes, Review ..................................................... Wiki page 480 pages Publisher: Doubleday (2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 0385537859 ISBN-13: 978-0385537858 Download torrent http://kat.dashitz.com/inferno-a-novel-dan-brown-pdf-epub-mobi-nikz-t7415335.html :P
    1 point
  8. YouTube has unveiled their long awaited paid subscription channel service, which will allow some video creators to charge for content. The move could mean millions in new revenue for YouTube’s parent company, Google Inc., Thirty video creators are participating in a pilot program for paid subscription channels. These include National Geographic, Sesame Street, Ultimate Fighting Championship, and the Young Turks, among others. According to Malik Ducard, head of content partnerships at YouTube, users will be able to pay for premium content with a credit card and the Google Wallet payment system. Channels will cost users an average of $2.99 per month, with a minimum charge for paid channels being $0.99 per month. As part of the deal, YouTube and video creators will share revenues. The arrangements are said to be similar to the ones that already exist for sharing YouTube’s ad revenues. YouTube has not announced when their premium channels will go live. When they do, they will give users yet another outlet to stream premium video content, joining others like Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, and Hulu. source : http://appadvice.com/appnn/2013/05/youtube-to-begin-offering-premium-channels
    1 point
  9. Entirely in HTML5? cleaver! Ubuntu is also out there to give a fight. So far the need for better processor and display is rising.... means more money to spend. I hope these specialists should go for cheaper phones than smarter ones.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
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