As far as data preparation goes, that depends largely on the type of data you will be using and the formats. Although ArcGIS with its Data Interoperability extension can handle lots of different formats, it can't handle data as well as other software. For example if you want a cheap solution, use global mapper! It can open just about anything and convert it to just about anything. The data can then be used in QGIS which is great software (or in global mapper) and visualized in Civil 3D. ArcGIS for visualization absolutely sucks. Its buggy and crashes consistently although 10.1 has improved on this somewhat. ArcGIS is a great luxury for those who can afford it, but you'll find that you'll have data preparation tasks that you'll want to go to other software for because it does a better job in my opinion.
There are several 3d visualization landscape tools specific for your line of work that may serve your purpose too. Try 3D Nature as it seems geared to landscapes. Of course, Civil 3D will do a great job, but is more complicated.