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A Python script to batch download and preprocess Sentinel-1


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Hello everyone ! This is a quick Python code which I wrote to batch download and preprocess Sentinel-1 images of a given time. Sentinel images have very good resolution and makes it obvious that they are huge in size. Since I didn’t want to waste all day preparing them for my research, I decided to write this code which runs all night and gives a nice image-set in following morning.

import os
import datetime
import gc
import glob
import snappy
from sentinelsat import SentinelAPI, geojson_to_wkt, read_geojson
from snappy import ProductIO

class sentinel1_download_preprocess():
    def __init__(self, input_dir, date_1, date_2, query_style, footprint, lat=24.84, lon=90.43, download=False):
        self.input_dir = input_dir
        self.date_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_1, "%d%b%Y")
        self.date_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_2, "%d%b%Y")
        self.query_style = query_style
        self.footprint = geojson_to_wkt(read_geojson(footprint))
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.download = download

        # configurations
        self.api = SentinelAPI('scihub_username', 'scihub_passwd', 'https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus')
        self.producttype = 'GRD'  # SLC, GRD, OCN
        self.orbitdirection = 'ASCENDING'  # ASCENDING, DESCENDING
        self.sensoroperationalmode = 'IW'  # SM, IW, EW, WV

    def sentinel1_download(self):
        global download_candidate
        if self.query_style == 'coordinate':
            download_candidate = self.api.query('POINT({0} {1})'.format(self.lon, self.lat),
                                                date=(self.date_start, self.date_end),
        elif self.query_style == 'footprint':
            download_candidate = self.api.query(self.footprint,
                                                date=(self.date_start, self.date_end),
            print("Define query attribute")

        title_found_sum = 0
        for key, value in download_candidate.items():
            for k, v in value.items():
                if k == 'title':
                    title_info = v
                    title_found_sum += 1
                elif k == 'size':
                    print("title: " + title_info + " | " + v)
        print("Total found " + str(title_found_sum) +
              " title of " + str(self.api.get_products_size(download_candidate)) + " GB")

        if self.download:
            if glob.glob(input_dir + "*.zip") not in [value for value in download_candidate.items()]:
                print("Nothing to download")
            print("Escaping download")
        # proceed processing after download is complete

    def sentinel1_preprocess(self):
        # Get snappy Operators
        # HashMap Key-Value pairs
        HashMap = snappy.jpy.get_type('java.util.HashMap')

        for folder in glob.glob(self.input_dir + "\*"):
            if folder.endswith(".zip"):
                timestamp = folder.split("_")[5]
                sentinel_image = ProductIO.readProduct(folder)
                if self.date_start <= datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp[:8], "%Y%m%d") <= self.date_end:
                    # add orbit file
                    self.sentinel1_preprocess_orbit_file(timestamp, sentinel_image, HashMap)
                    # remove border noise
                    self.sentinel1_preprocess_border_noise(timestamp, HashMap)
                    # remove thermal noise
                    self.sentinel1_preprocess_thermal_noise_removal(timestamp, HashMap)
                    # calibrate image to output to Sigma and dB
                    self.sentinel1_preprocess_calibration(timestamp, HashMap)
                    # TOPSAR Deburst for SLC images
                    if self.producttype == 'SLC':
                        self.sentinel1_preprocess_topsar_deburst_SLC(timestamp, HashMap)
                    # multilook
                    self.sentinel1_preprocess_multilook(timestamp, HashMap)
                    # subset using a WKT of the study area
                    self.sentinel1_preprocess_subset(timestamp, HashMap)
                    # finally terrain correction, can use local data but went for the default 
                    self.sentinel1_preprocess_terrain_correction(timestamp, HashMap)
                    # break # try this if you want to check the result one by one
    def sentinel1_preprocess_orbit_file(self, timestamp, sentinel_image, HashMap):
        start_time_processing = datetime.datetime.now()
        orb = self.input_dir + "\\orb_" + timestamp

        if not os.path.isfile(orb + ".dim"):
            parameters = HashMap()
            orbit_param = snappy.GPF.createProduct("Apply-Orbit-File", parameters, sentinel_image)
            ProductIO.writeProduct(orbit_param, orb, 'BEAM-DIMAP')  # BEAM-DIMAP, GeoTIFF-BigTiff
            print("orbit file added: " + orb +
                  " | took: " + str(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time_processing).split('.', 2)[0])
            print("file exists - " + orb)

    def sentinel1_preprocess_border_noise(self, timestamp, HashMap):
        start_time_processing = datetime.datetime.now()
        border = self.input_dir + "\\bordr_" + timestamp

        if not os.path.isfile(border + ".dim"):
            parameters = HashMap()
            border_param = snappy.GPF.createProduct("Remove-GRD-Border-Noise", parameters,
                                                    ProductIO.readProduct(self.input_dir +
                                                                          "\\orb_" + timestamp + ".dim"))
            ProductIO.writeProduct(border_param, border, 'BEAM-DIMAP')
            print("border noise removed: " + border +
                  " | took: " + str(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time_processing).split('.', 2)[0])
            print("file exists - " + border)

    def sentinel1_preprocess_thermal_noise_removal(self, timestamp, HashMap):
        start_time_processing = datetime.datetime.now()
        thrm = self.input_dir + "\\thrm_" + timestamp

        if not os.path.isfile(thrm + ".dim"):
            parameters = HashMap()
            thrm_param = snappy.GPF.createProduct("ThermalNoiseRemoval", parameters,
                                                  ProductIO.readProduct(self.input_dir + "\\bordr_" +
                                                                        timestamp + ".dim"))
            ProductIO.writeProduct(thrm_param, thrm, 'BEAM-DIMAP')
            print("thermal noise removed: " + thrm +
                  " | took: " + str(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time_processing).split('.', 2)[0])
            print("file exists - " + thrm)

    def sentinel1_preprocess_calibration(self, timestamp, HashMap):
        start_time_processing = datetime.datetime.now()
        calib = self.input_dir + "\\calib_" + timestamp

        if not os.path.isfile(calib + ".dim"):
            parameters = HashMap()
            parameters.put('outputSigmaBand', True)
            parameters.put('outputImageScaleInDb', False)
            calib_param = snappy.GPF.createProduct("Calibration", parameters,
                                                   ProductIO.readProduct(self.input_dir + "\\thrm_" +
                                                                         timestamp + ".dim"))
            ProductIO.writeProduct(calib_param, calib, 'BEAM-DIMAP')
            print("calibration complete: " + calib +
                  " | took: " + str(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time_processing).split('.', 2)[0])
            print("file exists - " + calib)

    def sentinel1_preprocess_topsar_deburst_SLC(self, timestamp, HashMap):
        start_time_processing = datetime.datetime.now()
        deburst = self.input_dir + "\\dburs_" + timestamp

        if not os.path.isfile(deburst):
            parameters = HashMap()
            parameters.put('outputSigmaBand', True)
            parameters.put('outputImageScaleInDb', False)
            deburst_param = snappy.GPF.createProduct("TOPSAR-Deburst", parameters,
                                                     ProductIO.readProduct(self.input_dir + "\\calib_" +
                                                                           timestamp + ".dim"))
            ProductIO.writeProduct(deburst_param, deburst, 'BEAM-DIMAP')
            print("deburst complete: " + deburst +
                  " | took: " + str(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time_processing).split('.', 2)[0])
            print("file exists - " + deburst)

    def sentinel1_preprocess_multilook(self, timestamp, HashMap):
        start_time_processing = datetime.datetime.now()
        multi = self.input_dir + "\\multi_" + timestamp

        if not os.path.isfile(multi + ".dim"):
            parameters = HashMap()
            parameters.put('outputSigmaBand', True)
            parameters.put('outputImageScaleInDb', False)
            multi_param = snappy.GPF.createProduct("Multilook", parameters,
                                                   ProductIO.readProduct(self.input_dir + "\\calib_" +
                                                                         timestamp + ".dim"))
            ProductIO.writeProduct(multi_param, multi, 'BEAM-DIMAP')
            print("multilook complete: " + multi +
                  " | took: " + str(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time_processing).split('.', 2)[0])
            print("file exists - " + multi)

    def sentinel1_preprocess_subset(self, timestamp, HashMap):
        start_time_processing = datetime.datetime.now()
        subset = self.input_dir + "\\subset_" + timestamp

        if not os.path.isfile(subset + ".dim"):
            WKTReader = snappy.jpy.get_type('com.vividsolutions.jts.io.WKTReader')
            # converting shapefile to GEOJSON and WKT is easy with any free online tool
            wkt = "POLYGON((92.330290184197 20.5906091141114,89.1246637610338 21.6316051481971," \
                  "89.0330319081811 21.7802436586492,88.0086282580443 24.6678836192818,88.0857830091018 " \
                  "25.9156771178278,88.1771488779853 26.1480664053835,88.3759125970998 26.5942658997298," \
                  "88.3876586919721 26.6120432770312,88.4105534167129 26.6345128356038,89.6787084683935 " \
                  "26.2383305017275,92.348481691233 25.073636976939,92.4252199249342 25.0296592837972," \
                  "92.487261172615 24.9472465376954,92.4967290851295 24.902213855393,92.6799861774377 " \
                  "21.2972058618174,92.6799346581579 21.2853347419811,92.330290184197 20.5906091141114))"

            geom = WKTReader().read(wkt)
            parameters = HashMap()
            parameters.put('geoRegion', geom)
            subset_param = snappy.GPF.createProduct("Subset", parameters,
                                                    ProductIO.readProduct(self.input_dir + "\\multi_" +
                                                                          timestamp + ".dim"))
            ProductIO.writeProduct(subset_param, subset, 'BEAM-DIMAP')
            print("subset complete: " + subset +
                  " | took: " + str(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time_processing).split('.', 2)[0])
            print("file exists - " + subset)

    def sentinel1_preprocess_terrain_correction(self, timestamp, HashMap):
        start_time_processing = datetime.datetime.now()
        terr = self.input_dir + "\\terr_" + timestamp

        if not os.path.isfile(terr + ".dim"):
            parameters = HashMap()
            # parameters.put('demResamplingMethod', 'NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR')
            # parameters.put('imgResamplingMethod', 'NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR')
            # parameters.put('pixelSpacingInMeter', 10.0)
            terr_param = snappy.GPF.createProduct("Terrain-Correction", parameters,
                                                  ProductIO.readProduct(self.input_dir + "\\subset_" +
                                                                        timestamp + ".dim"))
            ProductIO.writeProduct(terr_param, terr, 'BEAM-DIMAP')
            print("terrain corrected: " + terr +
                  " | took: " + str(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time_processing).split('.', 2)[0])
            print("file exists - " + terr)

input_dir = "path_to_project_folder\Sentinel_1"
start_date = '01Mar2019'
end_date = '10Mar2019'
query_style = 'footprint' # 'footprint' to use a GEOJSON, 'coordinate' to use a lat-lon 
footprint = 'path_to_project_folder\bd_bbox.geojson'
lat = 26.23
lon = 88.56

sar = sentinel1_download_preprocess(input_dir, start_date, end_date, query_style, footprint, lat, lon, True) 
# proceed to download by setting 'True', default is 'False'

The geojson file is created from a very generalised shapefile of Bangladesh by using ArcGIS Pro. There are a lot of free online tools to convert shapefile to geojson and WKT. Notice that the code will skip download if the file is already there but will keep the processing on, so comment out line 197 when necessary. Updated the code almost completely.

The steps of processing raw files of Sentinel-1 used here are not the most generic way, note that there are no authentic way for this. Since different research require different steps to prepare raw data, you will need to follow yours.

Also published at clubgis

Edited by rahmansunbeam
updated the code to remove few bugs
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