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Free GIS apps?


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I searched GIS in the apple app store and received a never ending list of free GIS apps, all of which seemed very similar.  


Are some better than others?  

Are any of them actually "free" are do they have hidden costs associated with them?

What advantages would you get with a paid GIS app?  


Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 


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I saw some good GIS apps in apple store, though Im not an apple users so it just a quick look.


1. better or not , it depend on your need, there are many purpose on gis apps, and mobile apps tend to grab only small part of whole gis needs, especially compare to desktop apps

2. some of them have something called ïn-app purchaces to get more complex or advanced function, or completely free with ads. developing software need time and money

3. better support with complex and advanced apps.


this some of them :




I really like GIS pro, seems solid apps :D

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Thank you for the recommendations and the reading.  It was an overwhelming list, but your point 1 was exactly what I was missing.  


We're thinking about utilizing mobile devices for data collection.  It's absurd how cheap of an alternative it is to Trimble.   


Do you have any advice on GIS collection apps?  Also, how reliable would mobile devices be, I worry they aren't very rugged?   

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