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Program Geocontext-Profiler allows you to make topographic profiles anywhere on Earth in the seabed and ocean floor. Can be widely used: in the natural sciences (geomorphology, hydrography) for the education and tourism – hiking route planning, bicycle, car. To create such a profile, a few simple steps:

  1. Reset

  2. Find your area of interest on the map

  3. Select the cursor min. 2 points (max. 33).

      [no limit]

          * Enabling this option will: that you can not keep a link to the generated graph, and you can not put this chart on your site. The setting will be preserved and must be re-activated at each visit. Enable, then disable this option when creating and editing profile, will reset the map and chart!

            remove the limit (check, if you want to map any number of points)

  4. Ready – site profile will be generated in seconds

        1. Embed a chart on your site

        2. Copy and save a link to a chart created

Within the program, you can find some advanced options that allow you to create a profile along the road, bicycle and pedestrian paths. These options are under development and in certain areas may generate incorrect graphs.

For educational purposes several pre-programmed profiles of interesting geographical features, such as whether the highest peak in the Earth's largest ocean depth. Comments and suggestions to the program interesting topographical profiles, along with links to them, can be placed in the section.

Geocontext-Profiler program uses the Google Maps API script V3 – Elevation Profiles.





nice idea

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