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GeoCue Announces Release of LP360 2014.1


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GeoCue® Group Inc. (via its wholly owned subsidiary, QCoherent Software LLC) is pleased to announce the release of LP360 2014.1. LP360 is the world’s most powerful and popular desktop LIDAR exploitation software, available as a Windows® 64-bit application and as an extension for ArcGIS® desktop.

This release includes many new features, performance improvements and stability enhancements. A number of features specifically aimed at processing data from sensors flown on small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) have been added. In fact, a new packaging of LP360 called “LP360 for sUAS” has been added to the product line (currently analogous to LP360, Standard Edition).

Highlights of the new release include (required license level indicated if above Basic):

  • Comprehensive support for LAS 1.4, including promoting previous versions of LAS to Point Data Record Formats 6 and above.
  • Adding profile extraction tools as a point cloud task (Standard). This is an important feature for cut and fill analysis such as volumetrics and road works. The new implementation allows you to clip the profiles based on a polygon.
  • Full support for the new ASPRS accuracy specification. This means that you can now assess the horizontal accuracy of digital ortho photos and mosaics using LP360. This feature is critically important for sUAS metric mapping projects.
  • New image management tools in LP360 for Windows. Now when you read in image files, they are automatically collected into Group layers in the table of contents based on image types. This is analogous to the way LP360 groups LAS files. This is extremely convenient when working with a large number of images because it allows you to control all of the enhancement parameters from a single control.
  • Railroad track centerline (‘alignment’) extraction and top of rail classification Point Cloud Task (Advanced). This new point cloud task allows you to semi-automatically extract a 3D vector that represents a rail alignment. You can also automatically classify the top of rail points.
  • Classify by Feature has been moved to a Point Cloud Task, in both ArcGIS and Standalone (Standard). This allows you to combine this classification tool with other PCTs in a macro.
  • Line and Polygon vertex spacing and smoothing Point Cloud Task (Standard). This new task allows you to change the number of vertices in a line or polygon by either thinning (using a variation of the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm) or to increase the number of vertices.
  • Import ASCII to Shape file. This is a new option on the import ASCII tool (normally used to import ASCII point cloud files into LAS files). The intent is to allow you to import Control Point files in ASCII format and convert to Shape.

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