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QGIS - Connect waypoints with single lines and calculate distances

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Hello everybody,

I have waypoints of a vessel plotted in QGIS. Now I want to calculate the distances between the single waypoints and keep the attributes from the points in the attribute table of the new line layer. I have tried the extensions "points to path" and "points2one", but in both cases I only got one polyline. That is not suitable for me, because for further calculations I have to neglect specific distances. (The waypoints are distinguished by points with ON and OFF effort. For further calculations I want only the distances between two ON effort waypoints.)

In ArcView it works with the extension "Path with distances". Is there a way I can solve this in QGIS?

I am thankful for any help


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Ok. Third day of searching the web and trying everything. Can, please, anybody give me an advise? Or is that not possible in QGIS?

i don't think you can calculate the distance from path to another path unless it is a separate feature. if you get your data from gps, go to settings because there you can see the setup of how many meters you inputted. or unless you cut the polyline every vertices appears.

just a thought...

Edited by jonah
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