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Automatically stack bands of rasters


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Hi all,

I have a lot of rasters of the same size, location, projection, file type etc. that I need to stack. Ordinarily I would do this with the Stack Layer option in ERDAS, but now I have to do it a whopping 60 times * 9 bands. There must be a better way to do this, so I thought of FME.

But FME with the rasterbandcombiner baffles me. I insert 9 rasters in there and I get 9 rasters back, although I wanted 1 raster with 9 bands back instead.

I know you can do it in ArcGIS too, but my classifier (Randomforest in R) does not take kindly to rasters that are created with ArcGIS (no matter what format).

Does anyone know how to stack these rasters together in a more automated fashion (in another program or using the rasterbandcombiner in FME)?

Also, the rasters are not necessarily all the same bit range (8-bit etc.) and not necessarily of the same spatial resolution.

Much thanks!

I already found the solution, you are supposed to use the sort. FME can only stack similar bands, not like ERDAS stack anything you like. If someone has an automated solution for that last bit, that would be great. Thanks all.

Edited by hariasa
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ah , for image stack, I usually use ENVI, but only when the image file separating their band, for example Landsat ETM with 7 band in 7 different file, so I combine them. so is this your case?

ehm, if you are using R as processor, I think R has a functionality to stack images too, am I correct ? just lurking aorund in the google and found bout stack images in R


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