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PRQ Police Raid Takes Down Dozens of File-Sharing Sites


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Anyone familiar with ThePirateBay, biggest Torrent sites in the world ? ^_^

okay, their hosting company, PRQ, the most controversial Hosting company (they host anykind of websites, regardless the content)

is raided

Police have raided the Swedish hosting company PRQ today, possibly looking for servers connected to copyright infringement. PRQ was founded by Pirate Bay co-founders Gottfrid Svartholm and Fredrik Neij and is known to host or route many file-sharing sites. The target of the raid has not been confirmed by the authorities, but The Pirate Bay team informs TorrentFreak that they are no longer using PRQ’s services.

All sites hosted on the 80.88./19 net are currently unavailable, including but not limited to the torrent sites torrenthound.com, linkomanija.net and tankafetast.nu, release blog RLSLOG.net, and the sports streaming sites atdhenet.tv, hahasport.com, sportlemon.tv and stopstream.tv.

Complete news :


Sad news for freedom of sharing :P

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