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maybe they need sometime to explore many things... people tend to be more reliant in the past and very hard to accept changes, Well, as the development goes on, the EMPEROR well need sometime to cater all your suggestions. But it is a good thing because we see and feel a lot of people are caring about this website. I do too. Whatever you want to do EMPEROR and all its contributors (you know who you are), update us always. We may be here from time to time to check what's new. CONGRATS!

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just a humble suggestion:

i suggest to update the title of new topics panel to something like "trending" or "hot off the grill" :) ?

in the same vein, what if we could put a dedicated panel ( same panel as the new topics panel) for top posters/ most active ?

we could even label the panel as "hyperactives" or "noisiest people" or "forum stars" or something to that effect :)

feel free to react comrades ;)

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  On 11/12/2012 at 2:05 AM, EmperoR said:


done, I think its a good idea, so shoutbox didnt load everytime we open page, saving our resources :)

Hello, EmperoR! Glad Gisarea is up and running!However, for 2 weeks I was unable to access gisarea website through ANY regular browser .. It returns "website is not found" :( I was really upset, since gisarea is excellent website.I thought the gisarea was permanently closed :( Even Goog..le is unable to search gisarea (searches like "18 december 2012" site:http://gisarea.comhttps://www.google.ru/#hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=active&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=%2218+december+2012%22+site:http%3A%2F%2Fgisarea.com&oq=%2218+december+2012%22+site:http%3A%2F%2Fgisarea.com&gs_l=serp.3...2885.2885.0.3139.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=a256d4f28226d313&bpcl=40096503&biw=1366&bih=631 return nothing)That is why I deleted some of my uploads in gisarea. Fortunately some forum members sent me requests and I resumed my attempts to access gisarea re-thinking that it is alive.. The only way I was able to access Gisarea is some tricky tools, which I will not mention here (to prevent this door from being closed). I am still unable to access gisarea through any regular browser. My conclusions (I do not pretent to be 100% correct):Some registered users (like myself) may be blocked from accessing their registered gisarea accounts by Internet provider and Internet policies in their home country. Or may be some gisarea settings have need to be adjusted by EmperoR to prevent this?As we all realize it is pretty discouraging to invest your efforts in face of a danger of door being shut in front of your own nose..Thank you in advance for your kind clarifications on this matter!P.S. I am aware that Gisarea went through some maintenance, but it seems to be a different issue.

Edited by sv74
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