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LinkedIn password Stolen


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LinkedIn said on Wednesday that it is investigating reports of an apparent hack, after millions of LinkedIn passwords were said to have been leaked online.

"Our team is currently looking into reports of stolen passwords," the company wrote in a message on its Twitter feed. "Stay tuned for more."

A user on a Russian Web forum claimed to have downloaded 6,458,020 LinkedIn passwords.

According to ZDNet, Finnish security firm CERT-FI is warning that the hackers may have access to user email addresses, too, "though they appear encrypted and unreadable."

According to SlashGear.com, the hackers are reportedly "crowd-sourcing help in breaking the encryption."

The apparent hack affects less than 10 percent of LinkedIn's 150 million users worldwide. Nonetheless, those with accounts on the so-called "professional" social network have been advised to change their passwords.

The news comes in the wake of security concerns surrounding LinkedIn's mobile application calendar feature. The company said on Wednesday that it was in the process of updating the app, after researchers noticed a flaw in the way the app shared potentially sensitive "meeting notes" data.

If you have any LinkedIn account, please be safe, change your password before its too late  :shocked:

source : Yahoo News

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