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Microsoft announces 4 different versions of Windows 8


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... namely

Windows 8

Windows 8 Pro

Windows 8 Enterprise

Windows RT

of which the top 3 ones are x86 - x64 and RT is for ARM only.


Prices are not available yet.

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The current consumer preview has a free license key when you download it from Microsoft.com. It works on a Macbook pro, I tested it.

I just don't see the point why you want it. Even though Mac OSX does not 'really' have a touch only GUI, it still can use gestures from a multitouch trackpad easily.

Microsoft that now has it's Metro GUI which is primarily for touch, does not support it.

I don't see myself switching to Windows 8 before they do. Actually I don't see myself switching to Windows 8 at all because it will take millenia for all the GIS and RS apps to be completely compatible with Metro. So you will have a wonky 'Windows 7' type interface rather than using actual Windows 8 Metro.

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