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filtering noise from LiDAR data


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I have a huge LiDAR dataset which I suspect has noise in it. I know how to get rid of the noise when to convert it to an elevation raster, but for my topic it is important that I filter it while it remaining a point feature dataset.

Does anyone know of a program or function that is able to filter noise and outliers from LAS datasets?



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Hello from @lastools,

please use the URL http://lastools.org/ to refer to LAStools from now on. To turn ASCII to LAS or SHP you can use txt2las.exe or las2shp.exe. But all LAStools can directly read TXT or SHP files via on-the-fly conversion to LAS.

In terms of point classification and noise filtering one robust method first finds the ground, computes point heights, and then looks for points with weird (large negative or positive) outliers. The main LAStools for that task are lasground.exe or lasheight.exe (and while you are at it also look at lasclassify.exe).


Martin @lastools

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