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Windows 8 and ARM vs x86


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The original thread was about iPods but then turned to ARM and x86 platforms, so I made a new thread.

hello hariasa

indeed battery is the problem right now, we need some breakthrough on that in the future

hem, wew I never knew bout what you called "the bond" between ESRI and microsoft? please the detail, I would love to hear that,


x86 VS ARM:

Don't expect a breakthrough; I highly doubt that will come. It's very likely that eventually producers will switch to ARM and leave x86 behind, tablet concerned anyway. You can see it with Windows 8 coming in 2 versions: ARM and x86 (ARM for tablets). That of course will bring a problem or two with development and porting apps cross platform, but then Microsoft does not like developers and gets rid of plugins with the Metro interface (bye bye, Flash and Silverlight plugins, say hi to HTML5) something Apple has been doing for some time now.

I really hope that Microsoft Windows will not become fragmented with this decision.

But then, most people won't get Windows 8 anyway because it's 'a major release' with 'radical differences' so the enterprise will most likely say 'lets see where this goes' much like they did with Windows Vista. So it could very well be that Windows 8 will be disappointing for Microsoft.

Oh yea, a small note,

Windows 8 will most likely suck very bad for anyone that works with Open Source, because Windows 8 will probably use a 'certification' for installed OSes on computer hardware. And since LINUX does not have a certification, installing LINUX beside Windows 8 will most likely be a big pain. Source:


EDIT: Sorry forgot the /code tags. My bad.

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so at least here is the equation recently :

less power consumption  = long time battery = slow speed = ARM = mobile device

more power consumption = short time battery = fast speed = x86 = desktop

btw :

interesting articles




correct me if Im wrong, im not techie guy  :grin:

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