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SuperGeo Release SuperSurv 3.0 Beta (for Android OS)


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SuperSurv is the application designed for field survey with android  mobile device.


It integrates GIS and GPS technologies, which also  supports global coordinate system. Thus, you can collect, display, and  manipulate GIS data correctly with SuperSurv.

We focus on the concept of user-centered design and develop SuperSurv with five features that help users collect data efficiently and effectively:

1. use GPS signal and free hand drawing to collect data,

2. use time interval setting function to collect data automatically,

3. create customized forms as demand,

4. multi-functional feature editing tool,

5. switch editing layer quickly.

The main functions of SuperSurv include data collection, layer management, waypoint orientation, map query and measurement.

Supported file formats include:

Point, line and polygon data collection: GEO, SHP

Raster map: SGT

Track: SHP, KML

Waypoints: TXT, CSV, KML

System requires: Android 2.3

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