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Red Hen Systems announces MediaMapper Mobile Google compatible Android


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Red Hen Systems is pleased to announce the arrival of MediaMapper Mobile (MMM), the new Android-based app for handheld GPS integrated photo and video.

The MMM app is a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) field device that geotags photos taken in the field using external or internal GPS for fast capture and storage to Android devices 2.3 and above. It track logs the data in NMEA and GPX formats.

Users can geotag media collected from "detached" video/still cameras in the field using MediaGeotagger software. Business, management, and other professional users can coordinate up to six devices with MMM including True Pulse Laser Range Finders from LTI and Nikon cameras equipped with Blue2CAN Bluetooth devices to create a personal communication network. Shots can be automatically triggered for time or distance for use in helicopters during aerial field work or moving cameras on the ground.

After the pictures and video have been captured, users can send the data to a MediaMapper Server for easy storage and retrieval. All data can be instantly categorized and mapped with new Google Earth IsWhere mapping software for a smooth and familiar experience with little to no training. Government users can couple the app with more intricate FalconView and RouteScout software. The devices extract the GPS information and highlight the path of the selected mission for a seamless, interactive map that can be manipulated to carry out appropriate tasks for the industry.

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